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Sun[tm] Studio Man Pages (Section 3c++) Standard C++ Library |
Program interface descriptions for Standard C++ Library classes and functions
- Algorithms - Generic algorithms for performing various operations on containers and sequences.
- Associative_Containers - Associative containers are ordered containers. These con tainers include member functions that allow key insertion, retrieval, and manipulation. The standard library has the map, multimap, set, and multiset associative containers. map and multimap associate values with the keys and allow for fast retrieval of the value, based upon fast retrieval of the key. set and multiset store only keys, allowing fast retrieval of the key itself.
- Bidirectional_Iterators - An iterator that can both read and write and can traverse a container in both directions
- Containers - A standard template library (STL) collection.
- Forward_Iterators - A forward-moving iterator that can both read and write.
- Function_Objects - Function objects are objects with an
- Heap_Operations - See the entries for make_heap, pop_heap, push_heap and sort_heap
- Input_Iterators - A read-only, forward moving iterator.
- Insert_Iterators - An iterator adaptor that allows an iterator to insert into a container rather than overwrite elements in the con tainer.
- Iterators - Pointer generalizations for traversal and modification of collections.
- Negators - Function adaptors and function objects used to reverse the sense of predicate function objects.
- Operators - Operators for the C++ Standard Template Library.
- Output_Iterators - A write-only, forward moving iterator.
- Predicates - A function or a function object that returns a boolean (
- Random_Access_Iterators - An iterator that reads, writes, and allows random access to a container.
- Sequences - A sequence is a container that organizes a set of objects of the same type into a linear arrangement. vec tor, list, deque, and string fall into this category. Sequences offer different complexity trade-offs. vector offers fast inserts and deletes from the end of the con- tainer. deque is useful when insertions and deletions take place at the beginning or end of the sequence. Use list when there are frequent insertions and deletions from the middle of the sequence.
- Stream_Iterators - Stream iterators include iterator capabilities for ostreams and istreams. They allow generic algorithms to be used directly on streams. See the sections istream_iterator and ostream_iterator for a description of these iterators.
- __distance_type - Determines the type of distance used by an iterator. This function is now obsolete. It is retained in order to include backward compatibility and support compilers that do not include partial specialization.
- __iterator_category - Determines the category to which an iterator belongs. This function is now obsolete. It is included for backward compatibility and to support compilers that do not include partial specialization.
- __reverse_bi_iterator - An iterator that traverses a collection backwards. __reverse_bi_iterator is included for those compilers that do not support partial specialization. The template signa ture for reverse_iterator matches that of __reverse_bi_iterator when partial specialization is not available (in other words, it has six template parameters rather than one).
- accumulate - Accumulates all elements within a range into a single value.
- adjacent_difference - Outputs a sequence of the differences between each adja cent pair of elements in a range.
- adjacent_find - Find the first adjacent pair of elements in a sequence that are equivalent.
- advance - Moves an iterator forward or backward (if available) by a certain distance.
- allocator - The default allocator object for storage management in Standard Library containers.
- auto_ptr - A simple, smart pointer class.
- back_insert_iterator - An insert iterator used to insert items at the end of a collection.
- back_inserter - An insert iterator used to insert items at the end of a collection.
- basic_filebuf - Class that associates the input or output sequence with a file.
- basic_fstream - Supports reading and writing of named files or devices associated with a file descriptor.
- basic_ifstream - Supports reading from named files or other devices asso ciated with a file descriptor.
- basic_ios - A base class that includes the common functions required by all streams.
- basic_iostream - Assists in formatting and interpreting sequences of char acters controlled by a stream buffer.
- basic_istream - Assists in reading and interpreting input from sequences controlled by a stream buffer.
- basic_istringstream - Supports reading objects of class basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator> from an array in memory.
- basic_ofstream - Supports writing into named files or other devices asso ciated with a file descriptor.
- basic_ostream - Assists in formatting and writing output to sequences controlled by a stream buffer.
- basic_ostringstream - Supports writing objects of class basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>
- basic_streambuf - Abstract base class for deriving various stream buffers to facilitate control of character sequences.
- basic_string - A templatized class for handling sequences of character like entities. string and wstring are specialized versions of basic_string for
- basic_stringbuf - Associates the input or output sequence with a sequence of arbitrary characters.
- basic_stringstream - Supports writing and reading objects of class basic_string<charT,traits,Alocator> to/from an array in memory.
- binary_function - Base class for creating binary function objects.
- binary_negate - A function object that returns the complement of the result of its binary predicate.
- binary_search - Performs a binary search for a value on a container.
- bind1st - Templatized utilities to bind values to function objects.
- bind2nd - Templatized utilities to bind values to function objects.
- binder1st - Templatized utilities to bind values to function objects.
- binder2nd - Templatized utilities to bind values to function objects.
- bitset - A template class and related functions for storing and manipulating fixed-size sequences of bits.
- cerr - Controls output to an unbuffered stream buffer associated with the object
- char_traits - A traits class with types and operations for the basic_string container and iostream classes.
- cin - Controls input from a stream buffer associated with the object
- clog - Controls output to a stream buffer associated with the object
- codecvt - A code conversion facet.
- codecvt_byname - A facet that includes code set conversion classification facilities based on the named locales.
- collate - A string collation, comparison, and hashing facet.
- collate_byname - A string collation, comparison, and hashing facet.
- compare - A binary function or a function object that returns
- complex - C++ complex number library
- copy - Copies a range of elements.
- copy_backward - Copies a range of elements.
- count - Count the number of elements in a container that satisfy a given condition.
- count_if - Count the number of elements in a container that satisfy a given condition.
- cout - Controls output to a stream buffer associated with the object
- ctype - A facet that includes character classification facili ties.
- ctype_byname - A facet that includes character classification facilities based on the named locales.
- deque - A sequence that supports random access iterators and efficient insertion/deletion at both beginning and end.
- distance - Computes the distance between two iterators.
- divides - Returns the result of dividing its first argument by its second.
- equal - Compares two ranges for equality.
- equal_range - Find the largest subrange in a collection into which a given value can be inserted without violating the ordering of the collection.
- equal_to - A binary function object that returns
- exception - A class that supports logic and runtime errors.
- facets - A family of classes used to encapsulate categories of locale functionality.
- filebuf - Class that associates the input or output sequence with a file.
- fill - Initializes a range with a given value.
- fill_n - Initializes a range with a given value.
- find - Finds an occurrence of value in a sequence.
- find_end - Finds the last occurrence of a sub-sequence in a sequence.
- find_first_of - Finds the first occurrence of any value from one sequence in another sequence.
- find_if - Finds an occurrence of a value in a sequence that satis fies a specified predicate.
- for_each - Applies a function to each element in a range.
- fpos - Maintains position information fort he iostream classes.
- front_insert_iterator - An insert iterator used to insert items at the beginning of a collection.
- front_inserter - An insert iterator used to insert items at the beginning of a collection.
- fstream - Supports reading and writing of named files or devices associated with a file descriptor.
- generate - Initialize a container with values produced by a value generator class.
- generate_n - Initialize a container with values produced by a value generator class.
- get_temporary_buffer - Pointer based primitive for handling memory
- greater - A binary function object that returns
- greater_equal - A binary function object that returns
- gslice - A numeric array class used to represent a generalized slice from an array.
- gslice_array - A numeric array class used to represent a BLAS-like slice from a valarray.
- has_facet - A function template used to determine if a locale has a given facet.
- ifstream - Supports reading from named files or other devices asso ciated with a file descriptor.
- includes - A basic set of operation for sorted sequences.
- indirect_array - A numeric array class used to represent elements selected from a valarray.
- inner_product - Computes the inner product
- inplace_merge - Merges two sorted sequences into one.
- insert_iterator - An insert iterator used to insert items into a collection rather than overwrite the collection.
- inserter - An insert iterator used to insert items into a collection rather than overwrite the collection.
- ios - A base class that includes the common functions required by all streams.
- ios_base - Defines member types and maintains data for classes that inherit from it.
- iosfwd - The header
- isalnum - Determines if a character is alphabetic or numeric.
- isalpha - Determines if a character is alphabetic.
- iscntrl - Determines if a character is a control character.
- isdigit - Determines if a character is a decimal digit.
- isgraph - Determines if a character is a graphic character.
- islower - Determines whether a character is lower case.
- isprint - Determines if a character is printable.
- ispunct - Determines if a character is punctuation.
- isspace - Determines if a character is a space.
- istream - Assists in reading and interpreting input from sequences controlled by a stream buffer.
- istream_iterator - A stream iterator that has iterator capabilities for istreams. This iterator allows generic algorithms to be used directly on streams.
- istreambuf_iterator - Reads successive characters from the stream buffer for which it was constructed.
- istringstream - Supports reading objects of class basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator> from an array in memory.
- istrstream - Reads characters from an array in memory.
- isupper - Determines whether a character is upper case.
- isxdigit - Determines whether a character is a hexadecimal digit.
- iter_swap - Exchanges values in two locations.
- iterator - A base iterator class.
- iterator_traits - Returns basic information about an iterator.
- less - A binary function object that returns
- less_equal - A binary function object that returns
- lexicographical_compare - Compares two ranges lexicographically.
- limits - Refer to the numeric_limits section of this refer ence guide.
- list - A sequence that supports bidirectional iterators.
- locale - A localization class containing a polymorphic set of facets.
- logical_and - A binary function object that returns
- logical_not - A unary function object that returns
- logical_or - A binary function object that returns
- lower_bound - Determine the first valid position for an element in a sorted container.
- make_heap - Creates a heap.
- map - An associative container with access to non-key values using unique keys. A map supports bidirectional iterators.
- mask_array - A numeric array class that gives a masked view of a valarray.
- max - Finds and returns the maximum of a pair of values.
- max_element - Finds the maximum value in a range.
- mem_fun - Function objects that adapt a pointer to a member func tion, to take the place of a global function.
- mem_fun1 - Function objects that adapt a pointer to a member func tion, to take the place of a global function.
- mem_fun_ref - Function objects that adapt a pointer to a member func tion, to take the place of a global function.
- mem_fun_ref1 - Function objects that adapt a pointer to a member func tion, to take the place of a global function.
- merge - Merges two sorted sequences into a third sequence.
- messages - Messaging facets.
- messages_byname - Messaging facets.
- min - Finds and returns the minimum of a pair of values.
- min_element - Finds the minimum value in a range.
- minus - Returns the result of subtracting its second argument from its first.
- mismatch - Compares elements from two sequences and returns the first two elements that don't match each other.
- modulus - Returns the remainder obtained by dividing the first argument by the second argument.
- money_get - Monetary formatting facet for input.
- money_put - Monetary formatting facet for output.
- moneypunct - Monetary punctuation facets.
- moneypunct_byname - Monetary punctuation facets.
- multimap - An associative container that gives access to non-key values using keys. multimap keys are not required to be unique. A multimap supports bidirectional iterators.
- multiplies - A binary function object that returns the result of mul tiplying its first and second arguments.
- multiset - An associative container that allows fast access to stored key values. Storage of duplicate keys is allowed. A multiset supports bidirectional iterators.
- negate - Unary function object that returns the negation of its argument.
- next_permutation - Generates successive permutations of a sequence based on an ordering function.
- nmatrix - An optimized matrix class for interval operations.
- not1 - A function adaptor used to reverse the sense of a unary predicate function object.
- not2 - A function adaptor used to reverse the sense of a binary predicate function object.
- not_equal_to - A binary function object that returns
- nth_element - Rearranges a collection so that all elements lower in sorted order than the
- num_get - A numeric formatting facet for input.
- num_put - A numeric formatting facet for output.
- numeric_limits - A class for representing information about scalar types.
- numpunct - A numeric punctuation facet.
- numpunct_byname - A numeric punctuation facet.
- nvector - An optimized vector class for interval operations.
- ofstream - Supports writing into named files or other devices asso ciated with a file descriptor.
- ostream - Assists in formatting and writing output to sequences controlled by a stream buffer.
- ostream_iterator - Stream iterators allow for use of iterators with ostreams and istreams. They allow generic algorithms to be used directly on streams.
- ostreambuf_iterator - Writes successive characters onto the stream buffer object from which it was constructed.
- ostringstream - Supports writing objects of class basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>
- ostrstream - Writes to an array in memory.
- pair - A template for heterogeneous pairs of values.
- partial_sort - Templatized algorithm for sorting collections of enti ties.
- partial_sort_copy - Templatized algorithm for sorting collections of enti ties.
- partial_sum - Calculates successive partial sums of a range of values.
- partition - Places all of the entities that satisfy the given predi cate before all of the entities that do not.
- permutation - Generates successive permutations of a sequence based on an ordering function. See the entries for next_permutation and prev-_permutation.
- plus - A binary function object that returns the result of adding its first and second arguments.
- pointer_to_binary_function - A function object that adapts a pointer to a binary func tion, to take the place of a binary_function.
- pointer_to_unary_function - A function object class that adapts a pointer to a func tion, to take the place of a unary_function.
- pop_heap - Moves the largest element off the heap.
- prev_permutation - Generates successive permutations of a sequence based on an ordering function.
- priority_queue - A container adapter that behaves like a priority queue. Items popped from the queue are in order with respect to a "priority."
- ptr_fun - A function that is overloaded to adapt a pointer to a function, to take the place of a function.
- push_heap - Places a new element into a heap.
- queue - A container adaptor that behaves like a queue (first in, first out).
- random_shuffle - Randomly shuffles elements of a collection.
- raw_storage_iterator - Enables iterator-based algorithms to store results into uninitialized memory.
- remove - Moves desired elements to the front of a container, and returns an iterator that describes where the sequence of desired elements ends.
- remove_copy - Moves desired elements to the front of a container, and returns an iterator that describes where the sequence of desired elements ends.
- remove_copy_if - Moves desired elements to the front of a container, and returns an iterator that describes where the sequence of desired elements ends.
- remove_if - Moves desired elements to the front of a container, and returns an iterator that describes where the sequence of desired elements ends.
- replace - Substitutes elements in a collection with new values.
- replace_copy - Substitutes elements in a collection with new values, and moves the revised sequence into
- replace_copy_if - Substitutes elements in a collection with new values, and moves the revised sequence into
- replace_if - Substitutes elements in a collection with new values.
- return_temporary_buffer - A pointer-based primitive for handling memory. #include <memory> template <class T> void return_temporary_buffer (T* p, T*);
- reverse - Reverses the order of elements in a collection.
- reverse_copy - Reverses the order of elements in a collection while copying them to a new collection.
- reverse_iterator - An iterator that traverses a collection backwards. __reverse_bi_iterator is included for those compilers that do not support partial specialization. The template signa ture for reverse_iterator matches that of __reverse_bi_iterator when partial specialization is not available (in other words, it has six template parameters rather than one).
- rotate - Swaps the segment that contains elements from
- rotate_copy - Swaps the segment that contains elements from
- search - Finds a sub-sequence within a sequence of values that is element-wise equal to the values in an indicated range.
- search_n - Finds a sub-sequence within a sequence of values that is element-wise equal to the values in an indicated range.
- set - An associative container that supports unique keys. A set supports bidirectional iterators.
- set_difference - A basic set operation for constructing a sorted differ ence.
- set_intersection - A basic set operation for constructing a sorted intersec tion.
- set_symmetric_difference - A basic set operation for constructing a sorted symmetric difference.
- set_union - A basic set operation for constructing a sorted union.
- slice - A numeric array class for representing a BLAS-like slice from an array.
- slice_array - A numeric array class for representing a BLAS-like slice from a valarray.
- smanip - Helper classes used to implement parameterized manipula tors.
- smanip_fill - Helper classes used to implement parameterized manipula tors.
- sort - A templatized algorithm for sorting collections of enti ties.
- sort_heap - Converts a heap into a sorted collection.
- stable_partition - Places all of the entities that satisfy the given predi cate before all of the entities that do not, while maintain- ing the relative order of elements in each group.
- stable_sort - A templatized algorithm for sorting collections of enti ties.
- stack - A container adapter that behaves like a stack (last in, first out).
- streambuf - Abstract base class for deriving various stream buffers to facilitate control of character sequences.
- string - A typedef for:
- stringbuf - Associates the input or output sequence with a sequence of arbitrary characters.
- stringstream - Supports writing and reading objects of class basic_string<charT,traits,Alocator> to/from an array in memory.
- strstream - Reads and writes to an array in memory.
- strstreambuf - Associates either the input sequence or the output sequence with a tiny character array whose elements store arbitrary values.
- swap - Exchanges values.
- swap_ranges - Exchanges a range of values in one location with those in another.
- time_get - A time formatting facet for input.
- time_get_byname - A time formatting facet for input, based on the named locales.
- time_put - A time formatting facet for output.
- time_put_byname - A facet that includes formatted time output facilities based on the named locales.
- tolower - Converts a character to lower case.
- toupper - Converts a character to upper case.
- transform - Applies an operation to a range of values in a collection and stores the result.
- unary_function - A base class for creating unary function objects.
- unary_negate - A function object that returns the complement of the result of its unary predicate
- uninitialized_copy - An algorithm that uses construct to copy values from one range to another location.
- uninitialized_fill - An algorithm that uses the construct algorithm for set ting values in a collection.
- uninitialized_fill_n - An algorithm that uses the construct algorithm for set ting values in a collection.
- unique - Removes consecutive duplicates from a range of values and places the resulting unique values into the result.
- unique_copy - Removes consecutive duplicates from a range of values and places the resulting unique values into the result.
- upper_bound - Determines the last valid position for a value in a sorted container.
- use_facet - A template function used to obtain a facet.
- valarray - An optimized array class for numeric operations.
- vector - A sequence that supports random access iterators.
- wcerr - Controls output to an unbuffered stream buffer associated with the object
- wcin - Controls input from a stream buffer associated with the object
- wclog - Controls output to a stream buffer associated with the object
- wcout - Controls output to a stream buffer associated with the object
- wfilebuf - Class that associates the input or output sequence with a file.
- wfstream - Supports reading and writing of named files or devices associated with a file descriptor.
- wifstream - Supports reading from named files or other devices asso ciated with a file descriptor.
- wios - A base class that includes the common functions required by all streams.
- wistream - Assists in reading and interpreting input from sequences controlled by a stream buffer.
- wistringstream - Supports reading objects of class basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator> from an array in memory.
- wofstream - Supports writing into named files or other devices asso ciated with a file descriptor.
- wostream - Assists in formatting and writing output to sequences controlled by a stream buffer.
- wostringstream - Supports writing objects of class basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>
- wstreambuf - Abstract base class for deriving various stream buffers to facilitate control of character sequences.
- wstring - A typedef for:
- wstringbuf - Associates the input or output sequence with a sequence of arbitrary characters.
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