Man Page time_get.3

                       Standard C++ Library
             Copyright 1998, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.



      - A time formatting facet for input.


     #include <locale>
     class time_base;
     template <class charT, class InputIterator =
              istreambuf_iterator<charT> >
     class time_get;


     The_time_get facet extracts time and date components from  a
     character string and stores the resulting values in a struct
     tm argument. The facet parses the string  using  a  specific
     format as a guide.    If the string does not fit the format,
     then the facet indicates an error by setting the  err  argu-
     ment in the public member functions to iosbase::failbit. See
     member function descriptions for details.

     The time_base class includes a set of values for  specifying
     the  order  in  which  the three parts of a date appear. The
     dateorder  function  returns  one  of  these  five  possible

     ORDER          MEANING

     noorder        Date format has no set ordering

     dmy            Date order is day, month, year

     mdy            Date order is month, day, year

     ymd            Date order is year, month, day

     ydm            Date order is year, day, month


     class time_base {
      enum dateorder { no_order, dmy, mdy, ymd, ydm };

     template <class charT, class InputIterator =
              istreambuf_iterator<charT> >
     class time_get : public locale::facet, public time_base {
      typedef charT            char_type;
      typedef InputIterator    iter_type;
      explicit time_get(size_t = 0);
      dateorder date_order()  const;
      iter_type get_time(iter_type, iter_type, ios_base&,
                         ios_base::iostate&, tm*)  const;
      iter_type get_date(iter_type, iter_type, ios_base&,
                         ios_base::iostate&, tm*)  const;
      iter_type get_weekday(iter_type, iter_type, ios_base&,
                            ios_base::iostate&, tm*) const;
      iter_type get_monthname(iter_type, iter_type, ios_base&,
                              ios_base::iostate&, tm*) const;
      iter_type get_year(iter_type, iter_type, ios_base&,
                         ios_base::iostate&, tm*) const;
      static locale::id id;
       ~time_get();  // virtual
      virtual dateorder do_date_order()  const;
      virtual iter_type do_get_time(iter_type, iter_type,
              os_base&, ios_base::iostate&, tm*) const;
      virtual iter_type do_get_date(iter_type, iter_type,
              ios_base&, ios_base::iostate&, tm*) const;
      virtual iter_type do_get_weekday(iter_type, iter_type,
              os_base&, ios_base::iostate&, tm*) const;
      virtual iter_type do_get_monthname(iter_type, ios_base&,
              ios_base::iostate&, tm*) const;
      virtual iter_type do_get_year(iter_type, iter_type,
              ios_base&, ios_base::iostate&, tm*) const;



        Type of character the facet is instantiated on.

        Type of iterator used to scan the character buffer.


     explicit time_get(size_t refs = 0)

        Constructs a time_get facet. If the refs argument  is  0,
        then  destruction  of  the  object  is  delegated  to the
        locale, or locales, containing it. This allows  the  user
        to  ignore lifetime management issues. On the other hand,
        if refs is 1, then the object must be explicitly deleted;
        the  locale  does not do so. In this case, the object can
        be maintained across the lifetime of multiple locales.


     ~time_get();  // virtual and protected

        Destroys the facet.


     static locale::id id;

        Unique identifier for this type of facet.


        The public members  of  the  time_get  facet  include  an
        interface  to  protected  members. Each public member xxx
        has a corresponding virtual protected member do_xxx.  All
        work  is  delegated  to  these  protected  members.   For
        instance, the long version of the public  get_time  func-
        tion simply calls its protected cousin do_get_time.

     date_order()  const;
     get_date(iter_type s, iter_type end, ios_base& f,
             ios_base::iostate& err, tm* t)  const;
     get_monthname(iter_type s, iter_type end, ios_base& f,
                  ios_base::iostate& err, tm* t) const;
     get_time(iter_type s, iter_type end, ios_base& f,
             ios_base::iostate& err, tm* t)  const;
     get_weekday(iter_type s, iter_type end, ios_base& f,
                ios_base::iostate& err, tm* t) const;
     get_year(iter_type s, iter_type end, ios_base& f,
             ios_base::iostate& err, tm* t) const;

        Each of these public functions simply calls a correspond-
        ing protected virtual do_ function.


     virtual dateorder
     do_date_order()  const;

        Returns the a value indicating the relative  ordering  of
        the  three  basic parts of a date. Possible return values

             -    noorder, indicating that the date format has no
                  ordering,  an ordering cannot be determined, or
                  the date format  contains  variable  components
                  other  than  Month,  Day  and  Year. noorder is
                  never returned by the default time_put, but may
                  be used by derived classes.

             -    One of dmy, mdy, ymd, ydm, indicating the rela-
                  tive ordering of Day, Month, and Year.

     virtual iter_type
     do_get_date(iter_type s, iter_type end, ios_base&,
                ios_base::iostate& err, tm* t) const;

        Fills out the t argument with date values parsed from the
        character  buffer  specified by the range (s,end]. If the
        buffer does not contain a valid date representation, then
        the err argument is set to iosbase::failbit.

        Returns an iterator pointing just beyond the last charac-
        ter that can be determined to be part of a valid date.

     virtual iter_type
     do_get_monthname(iter_type s, ios_base&,
                     ios_base::iostate& err, tm* t) const;

        Fills out the tm_mon member of  the  t  argument  with  a
        month  name parsed from the character buffer specified by
        the range (s,end]. As with do_get_weekday, this name  may
        be  an  abbreviation, but the function attempts to read a
        full name if valid characters are found after an abbrevi-
        ation.  For example, if a full name is "December", and an
        abbreviation is "Dec", then the string "Dece"  causes  an
        error.  If  an error occurs, then the err argument is set
        to iosbase::failbit.

        Returns an iterator pointing just beyond the last charac-
        ter that can be determined to be part of a valid name.

     virtual iter_type
     do_get_time(iter_type s, iter_type end, os_base&,
                ios_base::iostate& err, tm* t) const;

        Fills out the t argument with time values parsed from the
        character  buffer  specified  by  the  range (s,end]. The
        buffer must contain a valid time representation.  Returns
        an  iterator pointing just beyond the last character that
        can be determined to be part of a valid time.

     virtual iter_type
     do_get_weekday(iter_type s, iter_type end, os_base&,
                   ios_base::iostate& err, tm* t) const;

        Fills out the tm_wday member of the  t  argument  with  a
        weekday  name  parsed from the character buffer specified
        by the range (s,end]. This name may be  an  abbreviation,
        but  the  function  attempts to read a full name if valid
        characters are found after an abbreviation. For instance,
        if a full name is "Monday", and an abbreviation is "Mon",
        then the string "Mond"  causes  an  error.  If  an  error
        occurs, then the err argument is set to iosbase::failbit.

        Returns an iterator pointing just beyond the last charac-
        ter that can be determined to be part of a valid name.

     virtual iter_type
     do_get_year(iter_type s, iter_type end, ios_base&,
                ios_base::iostate& err, tm* t) const;

        Fills in the tm_year member of the t argument with a year
        parsed  from  the character buffer specified by the range
        (s,end]. If an error occurs, then the err argument is set
        to iosbase::failbit.

        Returns an iterator pointing just beyond the last charac-
        ter that can be determined to be part of a valid year.


     // timeget.cpp
     #include <locale>
     #include <sstream>
     #include <time.h>

      using namespace std;

     // Print out a tm struct
     ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const struct tm& t)
      os << "Daylight Savings = " << t.tm_isdst << endl;
      os << "Day of year      = " << t.tm_yday << endl;
      os << "Day of week      = " << t.tm_wday << endl;
      os << "Year             = " << t.tm_year << endl;
      os << "Month            = " << t.tm_mon << endl;
      os << "Day of month     = " << t.tm_mday << endl;
      os << "Hour             = " << t.tm_hour << endl;
      os << "Minute           = " << t.tm_min << endl;
      os << "Second           = " << t.tm_sec << endl;
      return os;

     int main ()
      typedef istreambuf_iterator<char,char_traits<char> >

      locale loc;
      time_t tm = time(NULL);
      struct tm* tmb = localtime(&tm);
      struct tm timeb;
      memcpy(&timeb,tmb,sizeof(struct tm));
      ios_base::iostate state;
      iter_type end;

       // Get a time_get facet
      const time_get<char,iter_type>& tg =
      use_facet<time_get<char,iter_type> >(loc);

      cout << timeb << endl;
         // Build an istringstream from the buffer and construct
         // beginning and ending iterators on it.
        istringstream ins("12:46:32");
        iter_type begin(ins);

         // Get the time
      cout << timeb << endl;
         // Get the date
        istringstream ins("Dec 6 1996");
        iter_type begin(ins);
      cout << timeb << endl;
         // Get the weekday
        istringstream ins("Tuesday");
        iter_type begin(ins);
      cout << timeb << endl;
      return 0;


     locale, facets, time_put