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Sun[tm] Studio Man Pages (Section 3cc4) C++ Compatiblity Mode Libraries |
Program interface descriptions for the Complex library, and the demangle, filebuf, fstream, interrupt, ios, stream, manip, queue, sbuf, and task classes and functions for C++ programs that are compiled using the compatibility mode option (-compat)
- cartpol - cartesian/polar functions in the C++ complex number math library
- cplx.intro - cartesian/polar functions in the C++ complex number math library
- cplxerr - error-handling functions in the C++ complex number math library
- cplxexp - functions in the C++ complex number math library
- cplxops - arithmetic operator functions in the C++ complex number math library
- cplxtrig - trigonometric functions in the C++ complex number math library
- demangle - decode a C++ encoded symbol name
- filebuf - Class that associates the input or output sequence with a file.
- fstream - Supports reading and writing of named files or devices associated with a file descriptor.
- interrupt - signal handling for the task library
- ios - A base class that includes the common functions required by all streams.
- ios.intro - A base class that includes the common functions required by all streams.
- istream - Assists in reading and interpreting input from sequences controlled by a stream buffer.
- manip - iostream manipulators
- ostream - Assists in formatting and writing output to sequences controlled by a stream buffer.
- queue - A container adaptor that behaves like a queue (first in, first out).
- sbufprot - protected interface of the stream buffer base class
- sbufpub - public interface of the stream buffer base class
- ssbuf - buffer class for for character arrays
- stdiobuf - buffer and stream classes for use with C stdio
- stream_MT - base class to provide dynamic changing of ios tream class objects to and from MT safety.
- stream_locker - class used for application level locking of iostream class objects.
- strstream - Reads and writes to an array in memory.
- task - coroutines in the C++ task library
- task.intro - coroutines in the C++ task library
- tasksim - histogram and random numbers for the task library
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