Man Page demangle.3


     demangle, cplus_demangle, cplus_demangle_noret  -  decode  a
     C++ encoded symbol name


     cc [ flag ... ] file [ library ... ] -ldemangle

     #include <demangle.h>
     int cplus_demangle( const char  *symbol,  char  *interpreta-
     tion, size_t size );


     cplus_demangle()  interprets  (demangles)  an  encoded   C++
     linker symbol name (mangled name).

     cplus_demangle_noret() does the  same,  except  that  return
     types for function symbols are not included in the interpre-

     Some C++ linker symbol names are not encoded. In these cases
     the return value is DEMANGLE_ENAME.

     The symbol string parameter  points  to  the  linker  symbol

     The interpretation parameter points to a user-specified out-
     put string buffer, of size bytes.

     cplus_demangle() and cplus_demangle_noret() have the follow-
     ing return values:

     0                        The symbol  parameter  is  a  valid
                              encoded   name  and  interpretation
                              contains the decoded name.

     DEMANGLE_ENAME           Either the symbol parameter is  not
                              an   encoded  name  or  the  symbol
                              parameter is an incorrectly encoded

                              The content of  the  interpretation
                              buffer  is a copy of the content of

     DEMANGLE_ESPACE          The interpretation output buffer is
                              too  small to contain the interpre-
                              tation (either the decoded name  or
                              the linker symbol name).

                              The content of  the  interpretation
                              buffer is undefined.

     cplus_demangle() and cplus_demangle_noret() operate on names
     encoded  by  the  Sun  WorkShop C++ compiler versions 3.0.1,
     4.0.1, 4.1, 4.2, 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2.

     cplus_demangle() and cplus_demangle_noret() improve upon and
     replace demangle().


     CC(1), dem(1), c++filt(1)