Man Page sbufpub.3


     sbufpub - public interface of the stream buffer base class


     #include <iostream.h>
     typedef long streampos;
     typedef long streamoff;

     class ios : virtual public unsafe_ios, public stream_MT {
             enum open_mode  {
                 in       = 0x01,        // open for reading
                 out      = 0x02,        // open for writing
                 ate      = 0x04,        // seek to eof upon original open
                 app      = 0x08,        // append mode: all additions at eof
                 trunc    = 0x10,        // truncate file if already exists
                 nocreate = 0x20,        // open fails if file doesn't exist
                 noreplace= 0x40         // open fails if file already exists

             // stream seek direction
             enum seek_dir { beg=0, cur=1, end=2 };

             // see ios(3CC4) for remainder ...
     } ;

     class streambuf : public stream_MT {
     public :

             int             in_avail();
             int             out_waiting();
             int             sbumpc();
             streambuf*      setbuf(char* ptr, int len);
             streampos       seekpos(streampos, int =ios::in|ios::out);
             streampos       seekoff(streamoff, seek_dir, int =ios::in|ios::out);
             int             sgetc();
             int             sgetn(char* ptr, int n);
             int             snextc();
             int             sputbackc(char);
             int             sputc(int c);
             int             sputn(const char* s, int n);
             void            stossc();
             virtual int     sync();

             int             in_avail_unlocked();
             int             out_waiting_unlocked();
             int             sbumpc_unlocked();
             int             sgetc_unlocked();
             int             sgetn_unlocked(char* ptr, int n);
             int             snextc_unlocked();
             int             sputbackc_unlocked(char);
             int             sputc_unlocked(int c);
             int             sputn_unlocked(const char* s, int n);
             void            stossc_unlocked();


     The streambuf class defines  the  basic  buffer-class  func-
     tionality  from  which  actual  buffer  classes are derived.
     This public interface represents  the  functions  which  any
     stream  class might need to call upon to perform its buffer-
     related functions.  No object of  type  is  expected  to  be
     created.   Rather,  buffer  objects  must be of a class type
     derived from streambuf. See sbufprot (3CC4) for a discussion
     of the protected interface necessary for such derivations.

     To make streambuf multi-threaded safe (MT  safe),  that  is,
     able  to  work  correctly  in  a multi-threaded environment,
     locks have been used in  each  public  member  function.  An
     alternative set of public member functions without locks has
     been introduced for  use  in  single  threaded  applications
     where  performance is critical. These member functions share
     the same name as the original function with the addition  of
     the  suffix:  _unlocked.  Other  than  being MT unsafe these
     member functions have identical functionality.

     Class streambuf supports an abstract buffer class.  It  con-
     sists  logically  of a sequence of characters and one or two
     pointers defining the location where the next character will
     be  stored and/or fetched.  A buffer class intended only for
     input (or output) will have only the get (or  put)  pointer.
     A  buffer class intended for both input and output will have
     both pointers.

     The get and put pointers should be  understood  as  pointing
     between  characters  in the sequence.  The next character to
     be fetched from an input buffer is the one  just  after  the
     get  pointer.   The  next  character  placed  into an output
     stream will be stored just after the put pointer.   When  at
     the  beginning of the sequence, a pointer points just before
     the first character; at the end of the  sequence  it  points
     just after the last character.

     There can be different kinds of buffers (also called reserve
     areas)  with different strategies, due to different underly-
     ing devices.  Queue-like buffers, such as strstreambuf  (see
     ssbuf(3CC4)),  have  independent  get and put pointers.  The
     strstreambuf is an in-memory array of  characters  and  sup-
     ports  stores and fetches at arbitrary locations.  File-like
     buffers, such as filebuf  (see  filebuf(3CC4)),  may  permit
     both  get  and put operations, but there is effectively only
     one pointer; the next get or  put  will  always  be  at  the
     current  location.   (In practice there may be two pointers,
     but they always point to the same place.)

     The streambuf uses an array of characters as the buffer, and
     calls  upon  virtual functions to fill an empty input buffer
     or to flush a full output buffer.  (See  sbufprot(3CC4)  for
     details.)   The  storing, fetching, and pointer manipulation
     functions  are  generally  inline  for  maximum  efficiency.
     These are described below.

  Input functions
     int c = sbuf.sgetc()
          This function  returns  the  character  after  the  get
          pointer, or EOF if the get pointer is at the end of the
          sequence.  Despite its name,  this  function  does  NOT
          move the get pointer.

     int c = sbuf.snextc()
          This function moves the get pointer forward  one  posi-
          tion,   then   returns  the  character  after  the  get
          pointer's new position.  If the get pointer is  at  the
          end  of  the  sequence before or after the call to this
          function (no character  is  available),  this  function
          returns  EOF.  Example:  Suppose the input buffer looks
          like this:
          where `|' marks the position of the get pointer.   This
          function will advance the get pointer and return `e'.

     int c = sbuf.sbumpc()
          This  function  should  probably   have   been   called
          ``sgetc''.   It moves the get pointer forward one posi-
          tion and returns the character it moved past.   If  the
          get  pointer  is  currently at the end of the sequence,
          this function returns EOF.

          This function moves the get pointer forward  one  posi-
          tion; it returns nothing.  The combination of sgetc and
          stossc can be used to implement a scanner without using
          putback, since sgetc provides lookahead.

     int i = sbuf.sgetn(ptr, len)
          This function gets the next  len  characters  following
          the get pointer, copying them to the char array pointed
          to by ptr; it advances the get pointer  past  the  last
          character  fetched.   If  fewer than len characters are
          left, it gets as many as are available.  It returns the
          number of characters fetched.

     int c = sbuf.sputbackc(c)
          This function attempts to move the get pointer back one
          character  and put c at the new location.  Depending on
          the underlying buffer mechanism, it may not be possible
          to  move the pointer back, or it may not be possible to
          store c at that location.  Therefore, the effect of the
          function is uncertain if c is not the same as the char-
          acter just ahead of the get pointer.   Again  depending
          on   the  underlying  mechanism,  this  function  might
          require  resynchronization  with  an  external  device.
          This  function  returns  EOF  if  the attempted putback
          fails.  What constitutes failure depends on the details
          of  the actual buffer class, but would probably include
          already being at the beginning of a device.

     int i = sbuf.in_avail()
          This function returns the number of characters  immedi-
          ately  available in the get area.  It is certain that i
          characters may be fetched without  error,  and  without
          accessing any external device.

  Output functions
     int i = sbuf.sputc(c)
          This function stores c just after the put pointer,  and
          advances  the  pointer one position, possibly extending
          the sequence.  It returns c, or  EOF  on  error.   What
          constitutes  an  error  depends  on  the actual derived
          buffer class.

     int i = sbuf.sputn(ptr, len)
          From the location pointed to by ptr, stores exactly len
          characters  after  the  put  pointer, advancing the put
          pointer just past the last character.  It  returns  the
          number  of  characters  stored,  which ought to be len.
          Fewer than len characters stored indicates some sort of

     int i = sbuf.out_waiting()
          This function returns the number of characters  in  the
          put  area;  that  is,  the number of characters pending
          output to the ultimate destination.

  Positioning functions
     streampos pos = sbuf.seekoff(off, dir, mode)
          This  function  repositions  the  get  and/or  the  put
          pointers,  depending  on  the  bits  set  in  mode.  If
          ios::in is set in mode, the get pointer  is  moved;  if
          ios::out is set in mode, the put pointer is moved.  The
          distance to move is off, a signed quantity.  The possi-
          ble values for dir are
               ios::beg - move off bytes from  the  beginning  of
               the stream;
               ios::cur - move off bytes from the  current  posi-
               ios::end - move off bytes  from  the  end  of  the
          This function returns the new position, or EOF  if  the
          stream  could  not  be  positioned as requested.  Note:
          not all streams support positioning.  Note:  the  posi-
          tion  returned  (of  type  streampos) should not be the
          subject of any arithmetic  operations,  but  should  be
          treated as a ``magic'' value.

     streampos newpos = sbuf.seekpos(pos, mode)
          This  function  repositions  the  get  and/or  the  put
          pointers,  depending  on the bits set in mode, to posi-
          tion pos.  If ios::in is set in mode, the  get  pointer
          is  moved;  if ios::out is set in mode, the put pointer
          is moved.  The value of pos should  be  one  which  was
          returned  by a previous call of seekoff or seekpos, but
          there are two special values  which  have  conventional
               (streampos)0   - the beginning of the stream;
               (streampos)EOF - error indicator.

     int i = sbuf.sync()
          This  function  synchronizes  the  streambuf  with  its
          actual stream of characters.  The details depend on the
          particular derived buffer class.  Generally, any  char-
          acters  in  the put area will be flushed to their final
          destination, and any characters  in  the  input  buffer
          will  be given back to their source, if possible.  This
          generally means that in_avail() and out_waiting()  will
          both  return  zero after a sync.  This function returns
          EOF on any error, zero on success.

  Miscellaneous functions
     streambuf* sb = sbuf.setbuf(ptr, len)
          This function logically belongs in the protected inter-
          face, but was placed in the public interface for compa-
          tibility with the original stream package.  This  func-
          tion attempts to use the array of len bytes starting at
          the location pointed to by  ptr  as  the  buffer  area.
          Setting  ptr  to  zero  or len to less than or equal to
          zero requests an unbuffered state.   Depending  on  the
          details of the derived class, it may not be possible to
          honor the request.  This function returns a pointer  to
          the streambuf on success, zero if the request could not
          be honored.


     ios.intro(3CC4), ios(3CC4), sbufprot(3CC4),

     C++ Library Reference

             Chapter 3, "The Classic iostream Library",


             Chapter 4, "Using Classic iostream in a Multithreaded