Updated 2001/05/17

Sun WorkShop[tm] TeamWare 6 update 2 Readme


  1. Introduction
  2. About Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 update 2
  3. New Features
  4. Software Corrections
  5. Problems and Workarounds
  6. Limitations and Incompatibilities
  7. Documentation Errata

A.  Introduction

This document contains last-minute information about Sun Workshop[tm] TeamWare 6 update 2. This document describes the software corrections addressed by this release and lists known problems, limitations, and incompatibilities.

For installation-related and late-breaking information about this release, see the Sun Workshop 6 update 2 Release Notes. Information in the release notes overrides information in all readme files.

To access the release notes and the full Forte[tm] Developer/Sun Workshop[tm] documentation set, point your Netscape[tm] Communicator 4.0 or compatible browser to the documentation index (file:/opt/SUNWspro/docs/index.html).

To access the HTML version of this readme, do one of the following:

To view the text version of this readme, type the following at a command prompt:

  example% more /opt/SUNWspro/READMEs/teamware 

Note - If your Sun WorkShop software is not installed in the /opt directory, ask your system administrator for the equivalent path on your system.


B. About Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 update 2

Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 update 2 is available on the Solaris[tm] Operating Environment (SPARC[tm]  Platform Edition) and Solaris Operating Environment (Intel Platform Edition) versions 2.6, 7, and 8. 

To send comments or suggestions about Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 update 2 to the Sun Workshop TeamWare development team, choose Help -> Send Comments from the Sun Workshop TeamWare help menu.

For more information about this product, see the release notes available in HTML on the Forte Developer Products Hot News page at http://access1.sun.com/fortedevprod/hotnews.html.


C. New Features

This section describes the new and changed features for Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 update 2. In addition, it lists the new features that were introduced in Sun Workshop 6 and Sun Workshop 6 update 1.

See also the What's New in Sun Workshop 6 update 1, which describes all the new features in the Sun Workshop 6 update 1 release and in the Sun Workshop 6 release. You can access this book by pointing your browser to http://docs.sun.com. Click Search Book Titles Only and search for "What's New."

  1. Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 update 2 New Features
  2. Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 update 1 New Features
  3. Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 New Features

  1. Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 update 2 New Features

    The Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 update 2 includes the interactive Quick Tour, which provides a high-level overview of Forte TeamWare's basic model and features. Your browser needs to be equipped with the Macromedia Flash player, available for download from the Macromedia website (http://www.macromedia.com).

    You can access Quick Tour in the following way:

    • Choose Help -> TeamWare Quick Tour from the main window of Configuring, Freezepointing, Merging, or Versioning.
    • Point your Netscape Communicator 4 or compatible Netscape version browser to:

    Note - If your Sun Workshop software is not installed in the /opt directory, ask your system administrator for the equivalent path on your system.

  2. Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 update 1 New Features

    The Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 update 1 release did not include any new and or changed features. It was a maintenance release.

  3. Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 New Features

    The Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 release included the following new and changed features.

    1. Workspace History Viewer
    2. Autogenerated Transaction Comments
    3. Menu Reorganization
    4. Putback Validation
    5. AutoFreezepointing
    6. Workspace Descriptive Names
    7. Workspace Integrity Check
    8. Versioning Customized Menu
    9. SCCS Admin Flags
    10. Misc New Features

    1. Workspace History Viewer

      Sun Workshop TeamWare now includes an easy way to view the information in the workspace history file. In the Workspace History Viewer, you can view the transaction history of a workspace, transaction details, comments, and the command log. You can sort and filter the entries, and search the comments and command log.

    2. Autogenerated Transaction Comments

      This new option adds delta comments to transaction output and e-mail notification, including delta number, owner and comments. In Configuring, choose Workspace -> Bringover Create /Bringover Update/Putback and check the Delta Comments box, or use the -d option to the bringover/putback commands.

    3. Menu Reorganization

      Sun Workshop TeamWare 6 has implemented the following changes to the GUI:

      Sun Workshop TeamWare 2.1 Sun Workshop TeamWare 6
      File -> Load Parent Workspace -> Load Parent
      File -> Load Children Workspace -> Load Children
      File -> Create Empty Child Workspace Workspace -> Create Child
      Edit -> Delete Workspace -> Delete
      Edit -> Rename Workspace -> Rename
      Edit -> Parent Workspace -> Reparent
      Edit -> Update -> Nametable Workspace -> Update Nametable
      Transactions -> Bringover -> Create Actions -> Bringover Create
      Transactions -> Bringover -> Update Actions -> Bringover Update
      Options -> Workspace Workspace -> Properties
      Options -> Workspace -> Edit Locks  Workspace -> Edit Locks
      NEW View -> Refresh
      NEW Workspace -> View History
      NEW Workspace -> Properties -> Freezepointing
      NEW Workspace -> Properties -> Putback Validation
      NEW Options -> Configuring -> Load Children: Selective/All
      NEW File -> File Info
      NEW Commands -> Uncheckout 

    4. Putback Validation

      Putback Validation allows you to protect a workspace. When you turn putback validation on, only putbacks are allowed to the workspace and the user is prompted for a "password" (Integration Request Identifier). Sun Workshop TeamWare only records the Integration Request Identifier, it does not validate it. To validate the Integration Request Identifier, you must write your own validation program. For more information, see Protecting Workspaces With Putback Validation at file:<install-dir>/SUNWspro/docs/tw-help/Start/ts3a3.html and Invoking Your Own Putback Validation Program at file:<install-dir>/SUNWspro/docs/tw-help/Start/ts3a4.html.

    5. AutoFreezepointing

      Autofreezepointing creates a freezepoint file for you before or after specific transactions: bringovers, putbacks, undos or resolves. Autofreezepointing creates freezepoint files in your workspace in the Codemgr_wsdata/Freezepoints directory.  For more information see Automatically Generating Freezepoints at file:<install-dir>/SUNWspro/docs/tw-help/Freeze/tf2a4.html.

    6. Workspace Descriptive Names

      With this feature, you can give a workspace a descriptive name that is more meaningful to your team members. This descriptive name is included in e-mail notification. The descriptive name and detailed description is saved in Codemgr_wsdata/description. For more information, see Giving a Workspace a Descriptive Name at file:<install-dir>/SUNWspro/docs/tw-help/Start/ts2d.html; the workspace man page, "desc" option; and the description.4 man page.

    7. Workspace Integrity Check

      This new option to the workspace command checks a workspace for inconsistencies. It checks files, access modes, parent-child relationships, and condition of the the history file.  The syntax is workspace check [ -W ] [ -s ] wsname .... The command  exits  with  the  following values: 0 = workspace is okay, or 1 = error.

    8. Versioning Customized Menu

      The Customized Menu feature adds a new menu in the Versioning window titled "Customized" and provides access to your own commands. For information, see Creating A Customized Menu at file:<install-dir>/SUNWspro/docs/tw-help/Get/ti4a.html.

    9. SCCS Admin Flags

      This new dialog box will allow you to set SCCS admin flags for a file through the Versioning GUI. For example, if you want to have Versioning prompt for MRs (modification request strings) during putbacks, put the name of validation program in the Validation Program box. Versioning will prompt users for MRs and pass them to the validation program. 

      To access this feature, in Versioning, choose File -> File Info. For more information, see SCCS File Properties Dialog Box at file:<install-dir>/SUNWspro/docs/tw-help/Get/tv1b.html. For more info about SCCS admin flags, see the sccs-admin man page. 

    10. Misc New Features
      • Configuring: New button for bringovers and putbacks: select entire workspace.
      • Configuring: Props key displays Workspace properties dialog box. 
      • Configuring: e-mail notification now includes transaction type in the subject line.
      • Versioning: Can "uncheckout" files (Commands menu).
      • Versioning: Double-clicking on a version number in the file history viewer displays the file in your default editor. 
      • Versioning: You can now select two deltas in the File History Viewer and display the differences with context (diff -c). (View Menu) 
      • Versioning: The dashed lines in the history graph now have arrows showing direction.
      • Versioning: You can now give list of files or directories as arguments to the vertool command. The last file or directory specified in the argument is loaded in the History window and the other files or directories are added to the Filename or Directory combo-box.
      • Freezepointing: Line numbers and line ends displayed in the left and right panes of Freezepointing.
      • All: SCCS errors are displayed by default. 


D.  Software Corrections

This section lists corrections to the software that have been fixed since the last release.

This section is divided into the following subsections:

  1. Configuring
  2. Versioning
  3. Merging
  4. Freezepointing
  5. Dmake
  1. Configuring
    • 4311967:codemgrtool: status bar not updated when a new transaction begins
    • 4388507: putback fails with exit status 134 when running the validation program
    • 4391147: Bringover cannot create child in some cases (Error 2094)
    • 4383033: workspace move command can leave locks file in the new ws
    • 4384861: workspace move command fails when it can't update parent's link
    • 4383055: workspace filerm doesn't process all of its arguments
    • 4390762: Wrong strings of usage and result codes of filemv and filerm
    • 4196812: Bad reaction on reparent when reparent isn't possible
    • 4383899: Incorrect behaviour of workspace filerm if file/directory is deleted twice
    • 4322653: TeamWare commands can cause memory corruption, when work with long file name
    • 4397803: workspace create sets wrong user name into access_control file in some cases
    • 4407070: the history file is not created sometimes
    • 4358833: putback loses execute permissions for sdot files

  2. Versioning
    • 4092680: Vertool processes stay around and consume cpu resources after clicking "Quit Processes, Exit Workshop" button.
    • 4333796: Vertool core dumps when stop button pressed on customized menu output window

  3. Merging
    • 4380900: filemerge core dump when resolve has to deal with workspace with a long name
    • 4417516: filemerge computes wrong delta for merged result if parent/child on SCCS branch

  4. Freezepointing
    • 4375757: automatic freezepoint causes core dump of putback command
    • 4315158: freezept update failed for non existing workspace
    • 4405458: freezept create should use default deltas instead of most recent deltas
    • 4418349: freezept extract -x corrupts SCCS files
    • 4409020: freezpt create writes the whole log file to the workspace history
    • 4418345: extract subcommand works incorrectly sometimes

  5. Dmake
    • 4350661: .make.dependency name is not unique enough
    • 4373497: dmake core dump while empty group is used in configuration file
    • 4412194: dmake hangs when running in distributed mode


E.  Problems and Workarounds

This section discusses the following software bugs that could not be fixed in time for this release. For updates, check Forte Developer Products Hot News (http://access1.sun.com/fortedevprod/hotnews.html).

This section is divided into the following subsections:

  1. Configuring
  2. File Chooser
  1. Configuring Problems and Workarounds
    • Don't use spaces in workspace names. If you do, Configuring will create a single workspace, but will load two different workspaces that it cannot access. For example, if you create a workspace called "foo bar," Configuring will create a single "foo bar" workspace, but will load two separate workspace icons, "foo" and "bar." If you try to access either workspace, you will get the error that "foo" or "bar" doesn't exist.

      Workaround: To access "foo bar," use the File -> Load Workspaces menu and select the "foo bar" workspace. You can use File -> Unload Workspaces to remove the bogus "foo" and "bar" workspace icons from the Configuring window. 

    • Sun Workshop TeamWare transactions ignore directories that are symbolic links. For example, if you perform a bringover on a workspace that includes a directory that is a symbolic link, Configuring will issue a warning, skip the directory, and continue the bringover. 

      Workaround: Do not use symbolic links for Sun Workshop TeamWare workspaces or directories within Sun Workshop TeamWare workspaces. 

  2. File Chooser Problems and Workarounds
    • Changes to the current directory may not be reflected in the file chooser file list.

      Workaround:Click Update to view the current list.


F. Limitations and Incompatibilities 

This section discusses the following limitations and incompatibilities with systems or other software and is divided into the following subcategory: 

  1. Sun Workshop TeamWare
  2. Older versions of SunWorkshop tools

  1. Sun Workshop TeamWare Limitations and Incompatibilities

    Avoid using the sccs subcommands cdc, comb, fix, and rmdel in Sun Workshop TeamWare workspaces. Using these commands can alter SCCS history files in ways which will make it impossible for Sun Workshop TeamWare tools to correctly track file history. These commands also have undesirable side effects when used on files that exist in multiple workspaces that eventually might be merged. 

    The problems with these commands are:

    cdc: Can cause unnecessary branching and confusing histories.
    comb: Completely rebuilds the SCCS history file.
    fix: A front-end for rmdel.
    rmdel: SCCS restricts the use of the rmdel command to remove only the most recent (leaf) delta on a branch. If you remove a delta that also exists in another workspace, it is possible that another user will add a delta in the other workspace. The delta that was removed in your workspace will no longer be a leaf delta when the files are merged. 

  2. Incompatibilities with older versions of Sun Workshop tools

    In order to use TeamWare with previous versions of Sun WorkShop tools (e.g. debugger), TeamWare has to be installed in a directory different from the directory of the older version of Sun Workshop.


G.  Documentation Errors 

This section discusses the following errors found in the Sun Workshop TeamWare User's Guide.

There is no new information at this time.


Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, U.S.A. All rights reserved. 

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