SCCS File Properties Dialog Box

Use the SCCS File Properties dialog box to change SCCS flags. To open the SCCS File Properties dialog box, from the Versioning Window, choose File File Info.

This dialog box contains the following components:

File Name Box

Displays the name of the file you are working with. You cannot type in this box. To work with another file, go to the Versioning window and click on a file.


Force Encoding (`e' flag) This field is read only. Possible values are Yes and No.
Treatment of `No id keywords' (`i' flag) Tells SCCS to either issue an error or a warning when it encounters a file with no id keywords.
Empty Releases (`n' flag) Creates empty releases when releases are skipped. Possible values are Allowed and Not Allowed.
Branch Deltas (`b' flag) Enables branch deltas. Possible values are Enabled and Disabled.
Concurrent Updates (`j' flag) Allows concurrent updates. Possible values are Allowed and Not Allowed.
Ceiling on the Releases
(`c' flag)
Sets a ceiling on the number of releases that can be checked out. Type a number from 1 to 9999. The default is 9999.
Floor on the Releases
(`f' flag)
Sets a floor on the number of releases that can be checked out. Type a number from 1 to 9999. The default is 1.
Default SID (`d' flag) Sets a default delta number, or SID.
Lock Releases (`l' flag) Locks the release against deltas. Any attempt to check out and edit the file will fail. Type a release number or list of release numbers separated by commas (for example: 2.1, 2.1.3).
`Q' Keyword Value (`q' flag) Sets a value for a keyword when the file is opened read-only.
Module Name (`m' flag) Sets a value for the module name keyword. The default is the is the SCCS file name with the leading s removed.
Module Type (`t' flag) Sets a value for the module type.
Validation Program (`v' flag) Sets a validation program for the MR numbers associated with a new delta.


Apply Applies the changes without closing the dialog box
Reset Cancels current changes
Cancel Closes the dialog box without making changes
Help Displays online help for this dialog box