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#include <rw/tvslist.h> RWTValSlist<T> lst;
If you have the Standard C++ Library, use the interface described here. Otherwise, use the restricted interface to RWTValSlist described in Appendix A.
This class maintains a collection of values, implemented as a singly-linked list.
In this example, a singly-linked list of RWDates is exercised.
// tvslint.cpp // #include<rw/tvslist.h> #include<iostream.h> void div5(int& x, void *y){x = x/5;} int main() { const int vec[10] = {45,10,5,15,25,30,35,20,40,50}; RWTValSlist<int> lst(vec, vec+10); RWTValSlistIterator<int> itr(lst); lst.apply(div5, 0); lst.sort(); for(;itr();) cout << itr.key() << " "; cout << endl; return 0; } Program Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Classes RWTValDeque<T>, RWTValDlist<T>, and RWTValOrderedVector<T> also provide a Rogue Wave interface to C++-standard sequence collections.
The Rogue Wave supplied, standard-compliant class rw_slist<T> is the collection that serves as the underlying implementation for this class.
typedef rw_slist<T> container_type;
typedef container_type::iterator iterator; typedef container_type::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef container_type::size_type size_type; typedef T value_type; typedef T& reference; typedef const T& const_reference;
Constructs an empty, singly-linked list.
RWTValSlist<T>(const rw_slist<T>& lst);
Constructs a singly-linked list by copying all elements of lst.
RWTValSlist<T>(const RWTValSlist<T>& rwlst);
Copy constructor.
RWTValSlist<T>(size_type n, const T& val = T());
Constructs a singly-linked list with n elements, each initialized to val.
RWTValSlist<T>(const T* first, const T* last);
Constructs a singly-linked list by copying elements from the array of Ts pointed to by first, up to, but not including, the element pointed to by last.
RWTValSlist<T>& operator=(const RWTValSlist<T>& lst); RWTValSlist<T>& operator=(const rw_slist<T>& lst);
Calls the destructor on all elements of self and replaces them by copying all elements of lst.
bool operator<(const RWTValSlist<T>& lst) const; bool operator<(const rw_slist<T>& lst) const;
Returns true if self compares lexicographically less than lst, otherwise returns false. Type T must have well-defined less-than semantics (T::operator<(const T&) or equivalent).
bool operator==(const RWTValSlist<T>& lst) const; bool operator==(const rw_slist<T>& lst) const;
Returns true if self compares equal to lst, otherwise returns false. Two collections are equal if both have the same number of entries, and iterating through both collections produces, in turn, individual elements that compare equal to each other.
reference operator()(size_type i); const_reference operator()(size_type i) const;
Returns a reference to the ith element of self. Index i should be between 0 and one less then the number of entries, otherwise the results are undefined--no bounds checking is performed.
reference operator[](size_type i); const_reference operator[](size_type i) const;
Returns a reference to the ith element of self. Index i must be between 0 and one less then the number of entries in self, otherwise the function throws an exception of type RWBoundsErr.
void append(const_reference a);
Adds the item a to the end of the collection.
void apply(void (*fn)(reference,void*), void* d); void apply(void (*fn)(const_reference,void*), void* d) const;
Applies the user-defined function pointed to by fn to every item in the collection. This function must have one of the prototypes:
void yourfun(const_reference a, void* d); void yourfun(reference a, void* d);
Client data may be passed through parameter d.
reference at(size_type i); const_reference at(size_type i) const;
Returns a reference to the ith element of self. Index i must be between 0 and one less then the number of entries in self, otherwise the function throws an exception of type RWBoundsErr.
iterator begin(); const_iterator begin() const;
Returns an iterator positioned at the first element of self.
void clear();
Clears the collection by removing all items from self. Each item will have its destructor called.
bool contains(const T& a) const;
Returns true if there exists an element t in self such that the expression(t == a) is true, otherwise returns false.
bool contains(bool (*fn)(const T&,void*), void* d) const;
Returns true if there exists an element t in self such that the expression ((*fn)(t,d)) is true, otherwise returns false. fn points to a user-defined tester function which must have prototype:
bool yourTester(const T& a, void* d);
Client data may be passed through parameter d.
iterator end(); const_iterator end() const;
Returns a past-the-end valued iterator of self.
size_type entries() const;
Returns the number of elements in self.
bool find(const_reference a,reference k) const;
If there exists an element t in self such that the expression (t == a) is true, assigns t to k and returns true. Otherwise, returns false and leaves the value of k unchanged.
bool find (bool (*fn)(const_reference,void*),void* d,reference k) const;
If there exists an element t in self such that the expression ((*fn)(t,d)) is true, assigns t to k and returns true. Otherwise, returns false and leaves the value of k unchanged. fn points to a user-defined tester function which must have prototype:
bool yourTester(const_reference a, void* d);
Client data may be passed through parameter d.
reference first(); const_reference first() const;
Returns a reference to the first element of self.
T* get();
Removes and returns the first element in the collection. This method is identical to removeFirst and is included to provide compatibility with previous versions.
size_type index(const_reference a) const;
Returns the position of the first item t in self such that (t == a), or returns the static member npos if no such item exists.
size_type index(bool (*fn)(const_reference,void*), void* d) const;
Returns the position of the first item t in self such that((*fn)(t,d)) is true, or returns the static member npos if no such item exists. fn points to a user-defined tester function which must have prototype:
bool yourTester(const_reference a, void* d);
Client data may be passed through parameter d.
bool insert(const_reference a);
Adds the item a to the end of the collection. Returns true.
void insertAt(size_type i, const T& a);
Inserts the item a in front of the item at position i in self. This position must be between 0 and the number of entries in the collection, otherwise the function throws an exception of type RWBoundsErr.
bool isEmpty() const;
Returns true if there are no items in the collection, false otherwise.
T last() const;
Returns a reference to the last item in the collection.
reference maxElement(); const_reference maxElement() const; reference minElement(); const_reference minElement() const;
Returns a reference to the minimum or maximum element in the collection. Type T must have well-defined less-than semantics (T::operator<(const T&) or equivalent).
size_type occurrencesOf(const_reference a) const;
Returns the number of elements t in self such that the expression (t == a) is true.
size_type occurrencesOf(bool (*fn)(const_reference,void*),void* d) const;
Returns the number of elements t in self such that the expression((*fn)(t,d)) is true. fn points to a user-defined tester function which must have prototype:
bool yourTester(const_reference a, void* d);
Client data may be passed through parameter d.
void prepend(const_reference a);
Adds the item a to the beginning of the collection.
bool remove(const_reference a);
Removes the first element t in self such that the expression (t == a) is true and returns true. Returns false if there is no such element.
bool remove(bool (*fn)(const_reference,void*), void* d);
Removes the first element t in self such that the expression ((*fn)(t,d)) is true and returns true. Returns false if there is no such element. fn points to a user-defined tester function which must have prototype:
bool yourTester(const_reference a, void* d);
Client data may be passed through parameter d.
size_type removeAll(const_reference a);
Removes all elements t in self such that the expression (t == a) is true. Returns the number of items removed.
size_type removeAll(bool (*fn)(const_reference,void*), void* d);
Removes all elements t in self such that the expression ((*fn)(t,d))is true. Returns the number of items removed. fn points to a user-defined tester function which must have prototype:
bool yourTester(const_reference a, void* d);
Client data may be passed through parameter d.
T removeAt(size_type i);
Removes and returns the item at position i in self. This position must be between 0 and one less then the number of entries in the collection, otherwise the function throws an exception of type RWBoundsErr.
T removeFirst();
Removes and returns the first item in the collection.
T removeLast();
Removes and returns the first item in the collection.
size_type replaceAll(const_reference oldVal,const_reference newVal);
Replaces all elements t in self such that the expression (t == oldVal) is true with newVal. Returns the number of items replaced.
size_type replaceAll(bool (*fn)(const_reference,void*), void* d,const_reference nv);
Replaces all elements t in self such that the expression ((*fn)(t,d))is true with the value nv. Returns the number of items replaced. fn points to a user-defined tester function which must have prototype:
bool yourTester(const_reference a, void* d);
Client data may be passed through parameter d.
void sort();
Sorts the collection using the less-than operator to compare elements.
rw_slist<T>& std();
const rw_slist<T>& std() const;
Returns a reference to the underlying C++-standard collection that serves as the implementation for self. This reference may be used freely, providing access to the C++-standard interface as well as interoperability with other software components that make use of the C++-standard collections.
const size_type npos;
This is the value returned by member functions such as index to indicate a non-position. The value is equal to ~(size_type)0.
RWvostream& operator<<(RWvostream& strm, const RWTValSlist<T>& coll); RWFile& operator<<(RWFile& strm, const RWTValSlist<T>& coll);
Saves the collection coll onto the output stream strm, or a reference to it if it has already been saved.
RWvistream& operator>>(RWvistream& strm, RWTValSlist<T>& coll); RWFile& operator>>(RWFile& strm, RWTValSlist<T>& coll);
Restores the contents of the collection coll from the input stream strm.
RWvistream& operator>>(RWvistream& strm, RWTValSlist<T>*& p); RWFile& operator>>(RWFile& strm, RWTValSlist<T>*& p);
Looks at the next object on the input stream strm and either creates a new collection off the heap and sets p to point to it, or sets p to point to a previously read instance. If a collection is created off the heap, then you are responsible for deleting it.