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Member Functions | ||
applyToKeyAndValue() clear() contains() entries() find() findKeyAndValue() |
findValue() insertKeyAndValue() isEmpty() operator=() operator[]() remove() |
#include <rw/tvsldict.h> RWTValSlistDictionary<K,V> slistDict;
This class maintains a value-based collection of values, implemented as an intrusive singly-linked list of key and value pairs. Class K and V are the types of the keys and values respectively.
This class is used in the implementation of RWTValHashDictionary.
Constructs an empty, singly-linked dictionary to hold instances of K and V types.
RWTValSlist<K,V>(const RWTValSlistDictionary<K,V>&);
Copy constructor.
RWTValSlistDictionary<K,V>& operator=(const RWTValSlistDictionary<K,V>& lst);
Empties self, then inserts all elements of lst.
V& operator[](K key);
Returns a reference to the value associated with key. If there is no element with key key, then a new association with that key is created and inserted into self. Prior to assignment, the value part of this association is garbage.
void applyToKeyAndValue(void (*applyFun)(const K&, V& ,void* d), void*);
Applies the user-defined function pointed to by appFn to every item in the collection. Client data may be passed through parameter d.
Clears the collection by removing all pairs from self.
RWBoolean contains(const K& a) const;
Returns TRUE if there exists a pair in self with key k such that the expression(*k == *a) is TRUE. Otherwise, returns FALSE.
size_t entries() const;
Returns the number of items in self.
RWBoolean find(const K& a, K& retKey) const;
If there exists a pair in self with key k such that the expression (k == a) is TRUE, places the found key in retKey and returns TRUE. Otherwise, returns FALSE.
RWBoolean findKeyAndValue(const K& a, K& retKey, V& retval) const;
If there exists a pair in self with key k such that the expression (k == a) is TRUE, places the key part of the pair in retKey, the value part of the pair in retval and returns TRUE. Otherwise, returns FALSE.
RWBoolean findValue(const K& a, K& retVal) const;
If there exists a pair in self with key k such that the expression (k == a) is TRUE, places the value part of the pair in retVey. Otherwise, returns FALSE.
void insertKeyAndValue(const K& k, const V& v);
If find(k) would fail, inserts a new pair holding k and v; otherwise, replaces with v the value associated with k.
RWBoolean isEmpty() const;
Returns TRUE if there are no items in the collection, FALSE otherwise.
RWBoolean remove(const K& k);
If find(k) would succeed, removes the pair associated with k, and returns TRUE. Otherwise, returns FALSE.
RWBoolean remove(const K& k V& retVal);
If find(k) would succeed, removes the pair associated with k, places the value part in retVal, and returns TRUE. Otherwise, returns FALSE.