Chapter 2: Reference
- accumulate
- adjacent_difference
- adjacent_find
- advance
- Algorithms
- allocator
- Associative Containers
- auto_ptr
- back_insert_iterator, back_inserter
- basic_filebuf
- basic_fstream
- basic_ifstream
- basic_ios
- basic_iostream
- basic_istream
- basic_istringstream
- basic_ofstream
- basic_ostream
- basic_ostringstream
- basic_streambuf
- basic_string
- basic_stringbuf
- basic_stringstream
- Bidirectional Iterators
- binary_function
- binary_negate
- binary_search
- bind1st, bind2nd, binder1st, binder2nd
- bitset
- cerr
- char_traits
- cin
- clog
- codecvt
- codecvt_byname
- collate, collate_byname
- compare
- complex
- Containers
- copy, copy_backward
- count, count_if
- cout
- ctype
- ctype<char>
- ctype_byname
- deque
- distance
- __distance_type
- divides
- equal
- equal_range
- equal_to
- exception
- facets
- fill, fill_n
- find
- find_end
- find_first_of
- find_if
- for_each
- Forward Iterators
- fpos
- front_insert_iterator, front_inserter
- Function Objects
- generate, generate_n
- get_temporary_buffer
- greater
- greater_equal
- gslice
- gslice_array
- has_facet
- Heap Operations
- includes
- indirect_array
- inner_product
- inplace_merge
- Input Iterators
- Insert Iterators
- insert_iterator, inserter
- ios_base
- iosfwd
- isalnum
- isalpha
- iscntrl
- isdigit
- isgraph
- islower
- isprint
- ispunct
- isspace
- istream_iterator
- istreambuf_iterator
- istrstream
- isupper
- isxdigit
- iter_swap
- iterator
- __iterator_category
- iterator_traits
- Iterators
- less
- less_equal
- lexicographical_compare
- limits
- list
- locale
- logical_and
- logical_not
- logical_or
- lower_bound
- make_heap
- map
- mask_array
- max
- max_element
- mem_fun, mem_fun1, mem_fun_ref, mem_fun_ref1
- merge
- messages, messages_byname
- min
- min_element
- minus
- mismatch
- modulus
- money_get
- money_put
- moneypunct, moneypunct_byname
- multimap
- multiplies
- multiset
- negate
- Negators
- next_permutation
- not1
- not2
- not_equal_to
- nth_element
- num_get
- num_put
- numeric_limits
- numpunct, numpunct_byname
- Operators
- ostream_iterator
- ostreambuf_iterator
- ostrstream
- Output Iterators
- pair
- partial_sort
- partial_sort_copy
- partial_sum
- partition
- permutation
- plus
- pointer_to_binary_function
- pointer_to_unary_function
- pop_heap
- Predicates
- prev_permutation
- priority_queue
- ptr_fun
- push_heap
- queue
- Random Access Iterators
- random_shuffle
- raw_storage_iterator
- remove
- remove_copy
- remove_copy_if
- remove_if
- replace
- replace_copy
- replace_copy_if
- replace_if
- return_temporary_buffer
- reverse
- __reverse_bi_iterator, reverse_iterator
- reverse_copy
- reverse_iterator
- rotate, rotate_copy
- search, search_n
- Sequences
- set
- set_difference
- set_intersection
- set_symmetric_difference
- set_union
- slice
- slice_array
- smanip, smanip_fill
- sort
- sort_heap
- stable_partition
- stable_sort
- stack
- Stream Iterators
- string
- strstream
- strstreambuf
- swap
- swap_ranges
- time_get
- time_get_byname
- time_put
- time_put_byname
- tolower
- toupper
- transform
- unary_function
- unary_negate
- uninitialized_copy
- uninitialized_fill
- uninitialized_fill_n
- unique, unique_copy
- upper_bound
- use_facet
- valarray
- vector
- wcerr
- wcin
- wclog
- wcout
- wstring
©Copyright 1998, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
Send mail to report errors or comment on the documentation.
OEM Release, June 1998