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The LATEX2HTML Translator

Nikos Drakos
Computer Based Learning Unit
University of Leeds.

March 20, 2002

Documentation revised and updated for V97.1 and HTML 3.2;
and further revisions for V98.1 and later, and for HTML 4.0 by:

Ross Moore
Mathematics Department
Macquarie University, Sydney.

This document accompanies LATEX2HTML, version 99.1(beta).

This manual differs from earlier versions by updates to the section ``Installation and Further Support'', a few small changes in other sections, and a shortening of ``Known Problems'' by removing references to old problems that no longer occur. Not all of the newer features of LATEX2HTML V99.1 are described yet. A fully updated manual is underway and will be released when completed.

History: The manuscript was updated for version 96.1 by Herb Swan and converted for LATEX2e by Michel Goossens.

Updates and extensive revisions to the manuscript for version V96.1 rev-f, were made by Ross Moore, also incorporating suggestions from Michel Goossens.

Another major revision was required to adequately describe the new features made possible with HTML 3.2, and developments in image-generation and macro-handling. This work was done by Ross Moore, as were most of the revisions for V98.1, V98.2 and V99.1. Portability for non-Unix systems has been achieved due to work done mainly by Marek Rouchal, Uli Wortmann, Fabrice Popineau and Daniel Taupin.

Appropriate change-bar icons indicate where newly added features are described.

A PostScript version is available.

Browse the following links for information concerning:

* Contributions from others -- early development
* Contributions from others -- recent developments, 1996
* Contributions from others -- recent developments, 1997
* Contributions from others -- recent developments, 1998
* Proposals for future development
* Licensing

Warning: The contents of this document are likely to change.
It is advisable not to use links to any pages other than the first page (i.e. this page).


LATEX2HTML is a conversion tool that allows documents written in LATEX to become part of the World-Wide Web. In addition, it offers an easy migration path towards authoring complex hyper-media documents using familiar word-processing concepts, including the power of a LATEX-like macro language capable of producing correctly structured HTML tags.

LATEX2HTML replicates the basic structure of a LATEX document as a set of interconnected HTML files which can be explored using automatically generated navigation panels. The cross-references, citations, footnotes, the table-of-contents and the lists of figures and tables, are also translated into hypertext links. Formatting information which has equivalent ``tags'' in HTML (lists, quotes, paragraph-breaks, type-styles, etc.) is also converted appropriately. The remaining heavily formatted items such as mathematical equations, pictures etc. are converted to images which are placed automatically at the correct position in the final HTML document.

LATEX2HTML extends LATEX by supporting arbitrary hypertext links and symbolic cross-references between evolving remote documents. It also allows the specification of conditional text and the inclusion of raw HTML commands. These hyper-media extensions to LATEX are available as new commands and environments from within a LATEX document.

This document presents the main features of LATEX2HTML and describes how to obtain and install it, and how to use it effectively.

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Maciek Gajewski 2002-03-20