Customized Menu Tab

Use the Customized Menu tab to add customized commands to the Versioning Window. After you have created a customized command, Customized appears in the Versioning Window. To open the Customized Menu tab, in the Versioning, choose View Options and select the Customized Menu tab.

This tab has the following components:

Customized Commands List Box

View your customized commands in this box after they are created.

Options Buttons

Add Adds the selected command to the customized menu.
Delete Deletes the selected command from the customized menu.
Edit Adds or changes the selected command.
Test Displays the window for your new command. (The same one appears when you use the Customized menu.)

Command Box

Type the full path name of the command (for example, /bin/grep). Macros ARG and FILE are available as arguments to the command; for example:

/bin/grep $ARGS $FILES

Menu Label Box

Type the name you want displayed on the customized menu.

Output Window Checkbox

Select this box if you want a window to be displayed with output from your command.

Prompt Window Checkbox

Select this box if you want a window to appear asking for input for your command.

Prompt Box

Type the text you want displayed in the assist window to prompt the user. (For example, "Enter what you want to search for here.")


OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box
Apply Applies the changes without closing the dialog box
Reset Cancels current changes
Cancel Closes the dialog box without making changes
Help Displays online help for this dialog box