Man Page notification.4


     notification - TeamWare notification file




     The notification file registers notification  requests.  The
     notification facility permits Sun WorkShop TeamWare commands
     to detect  Sun  WorkShop  TeamWare  events  that  involve  a
     workspace  and  to  send  electronic mail in response to the
     event. The following are the events that can be registered:


     Whenever a user creates a workspace, a default  notification
     file  is  created  in the Codemgr_wsdata metadata directory.
     The default file consists of a large comment that  describes
     the  format  of the file (the "#" character at the beginning
     of a line delimits a comment).  Users can modify the notifi-
     cation  file  through the Workspace > Properties > Notifica-
     tion dialog box, or edit this file directly.

     The following is a copy of the  default  notification  file.
     It describes the format of the file.

     VERSION 1
     # A workspace's notification file.
     # Note: Because this file is edited manually, you may
     #       want to maintain it using SCCS.
     # The format for each entry is:
     #       email_address event ...
     #       BEGIN
     #       file1
     #       dir
     #       .
     #       .
     #       .
     #       END
     # where <email_address> is the address to which the mail will be sent;
     # <event> is one of the following:
     #       bringover-from
     #       bringover-to
     #       putback-from
     #       putback-to
     #       undo
     #       workspace-delete
     #       workspace-move
     #       workspace-reparent
     #       workspace-reparent-to
     # The bringover, putback, and undo events can include a list of files and
     # directories to be associated with the event.  When a directory is listed,
     # all files hierarchically beneath it are registered.  The list must be
     # delimited by BEGIN and END statements.  To get registration for all files
     # in the workspace, use a list of ".", an empty list, or no list.
     # The following is a sample notification file:
     #       chip@mach1 bringover-to
     #       BEGIN
     #       dir/
     #       dir/
     #       END
     #       biff@mach2 bringover-to putback-to
     #       BEGIN
     #       .
     #       END
     #       biff@mach2 workspace-move

     In the sample  notification  file  above,  the  first  entry
     causes  mail  to be sent to chip whenever a user brings over
     the files dir/ and dir/ into the workspace.  The
     second  entry causes mail to be sent to biff whenever a user
     brings over or puts back any files into the workspace.   The
     third  entry  causes  mail  to  be  sent  to  biff  when the
     workspace is moved.


     Sun WorkShop TeamWare User's Guide

     bringover(1), codemgr(1), def.dir.flp(1), dmake(1), freezept(1),
     putback(1), rcs2ws(1), resolve(1), teamware(1), twbuild(1),
     twfreeze(1), twmerge(1), twversion(1), workspace(1),
     ws_undo(1), access_control(4), args(4), children(4), conflicts(4),
     description(4), freezepointfile(4), history(4), locks(4),
     nametable(4), parent(4), putback.cmt(4)