Man Page ws_undo.1


     ws_undo - undo the effects of the last bringover or  putback


     ws_undo [ -n ] [ -q ] [ -V ] [ -w ws ] [ files ... ]


     ws_undo reverses the affects of the most recent bringover(1)
     or  putback(1)  command.   If the file was transferred as an
     "update" or as a "conflict", ws_undo restores  the  file  to
     its pre-transfer state.  If a file was transferred as "new",
     it is removed.

     A relative file  name  specified  on  the  command-line,  is
     interpreted as being relative to the top-level (root) direc-
     tory of ws.  An absolute file name  must  refer  to  a  file
     under ws or it will be ignored.


     -n        Show what would be  done  without  actually  doing

     -q        Quiet option.  By default, a message is  displayed
               for  each  file.   The  -q option suppresses these

     -V        Display the version being run on standard output.

     -w ws     Names the workspace in which the transaction  will
               be  reversed.   If the -w option is not specified,
               then the value of the shell  environment  variable
               CODEMGR_WS  is used.  If CODEMGR_WS is not set and
               the  current  directory  is  contained  within   a
               workspace, the containing workspace is used.

     Sun WorkShop TeamWare, formerly known as CodeManager, uses a
     multi-reader/single-writer  locking  mechanism  and  ws_undo
     obtains  a  write-lock  in  ws.   If  this  lock  cannot  be
     obtained, ws_undo displays a message and exits.

     ws_undo displays status messages on stdout indicating  if  a
     file  is  restored  or removed.  A copy of these messages is
     also written to ws's Codemgr_wsdata/history file.


                              a copy of ws_undo's output is writ-
                              ten here

     ws/Codemgr_wsdata/locks  locks file for ws

                              log of new files

                              directory in  which  backup  copies
                              are kept

     ws/Codemgr_wsdata/arg    definition of  file  dir  arguments
                              for ws


     CODEMGR_PATH_ONLY        Sun  WorkShop  TeamWare,   commands
                              first search for other Sun WorkShop
                              TeamWare,  binaries   relative   to
                              where  their  own binary is located
                              in  the  file  system,  they   then
                              search in the directories specified
                              in the PATH  environment  variable.
                              Setting  this  variable  causes Sun
                              WorkShop  TeamWare,   commands   to
                              search   for   other  Sun  WorkShop
                              TeamWare, binaries only in PATH.

     CODEMGR_WS               Contains  the  name  of  a   user's
                              default  workspace.   The workspace
                              specified   by   CODEMGR_WS    will
                              automatically  be used if -w option
                              is not specified to a command.


     Sun WorkShop TeamWare User's Guide

     bringover(1), codemgr(1), def.dir.flp(1), dmake(1), freezept(1),
     putback(1), rcs2ws(1), resolve(1), teamware(1), twbuild(1),
     twfreeze(1), twmerge(1), twversion(1), workspace(1),
     access_control(4), args(4), children(4), conflicts(4),
     description(4), freezepointfile(4), history(4), locks(4),
     nametable(4), notification(4), parent(4), putback.cmt(4)