Man Page ild.1


     ild - incremental link editor (ild) for object files


     ild [ -a ] [ -i ] [ -m ] [ -s ] [ -t ]
          [ -V ] [ -B dynamic|static ] [ -d y|n ]
          [ -e epsym ] [ -I name ] [ -L path ] [ -l x ]
          [ -o outfile ] [ -Q y|n ] [ -R path ] [ -u symname ]
          [ -Y P,dirlist ]
          [ -z allextract|defaultextract|weakextract ]
          [ -z defs|nodefs ] [ -z i_dryrun ]
          [ -z i_full ] [ -z i_noincr ] [ -z i_quiet ]
          [ -z i_verbose ]
          filename ...


     ild links incrementally so you can  insert  modified  object
     code into an executable built previously.  The time required
     to link depends upon the amount  of  code  changed.  Linking
     your  application  on  every build does not require the same
     amount of time; small changes in code  can  be  linked  very

     The ild command combines relocatable object files,  performs
     relocation,  and resolves external symbols.  ild operates in
     two modes, static or dynamic, as governed by the -d  option.
     In static mode, -dn, relocatable object files given as argu-
     ments are combined to produce an executable object file.  In
     dynamic  mode,  -dy,  the  default, relocatable object files
     given as arguments are combined  to  produce  an  executable
     object file that will be linked at execution with any shared
     object files given as arguments.  In all cases,  the  output
     of ild is left in a.out by default.

     If any argument is a library, it is searched exactly once at
     the  point  it  is  encountered  in  the argument list.  The
     library may be either a  relocatable  archive  or  a  shared
     object.   For an archive library, only those routines defin-
     ing  an  unresolved  external  reference  are  loaded.   The
     archive library symbol table (see ar(4)) is searched sequen-
     tially with as many  passes  as  are  necessary  to  resolve
     external   references  that  can  be  satisfied  by  library
     members.  Thus, the ordering of members in  the  library  is
     functionally   unimportant,   unless  there  exist  multiple
     library members defining the same external symbol.  A shared
     object  consists  of a single entity all of whose references
     must be resolved within the executable being built or within
     other shared objects with which it is linked.

     The compilation system options that control whether  a  link
     step is performed by ild or ld are: -xildon, always use ild;
     -xildoff, always use ld (if -xildon and  -xildoff  are  both
     present,  the last governs); -g, when neither -xildoff or -G
     are given, use ild  for  link-only  invocations  (no  source
     files  on the command line); -G, prevents the -g option from
     having any effect on linker selection.

     Note: Both -g and -G have other meanings that are documented
     as part of the compilation systems.

     When you use the -g option to invoke ild, and you  have  the
     default  Makefile  structure  (which  includes  compile-time
     options such as -g on the command line for the  link  step),
     you use ild automatically when doing development.

     If ild determines that an ild option is  unimplemented  (see
     NOTES),  ild directly invokes /usr/css/bin/ld to perform the


     In incremental mode, the initial  link  causes  the  various
     text,  data, bss, exception table sections, etc., to be pad-
     ded with additional space for future  expansion.   Addition-
     ally, all relocation records, ranlib indices, and the global
     symbol table are saved by ild in the executable file.

     On subsequent incremental links, ild uses timestamps to dis-
     cover  which  object  files  have  changed  and  patches the
     changed object code  into  a  previously  built  executable.
     That  is,  the  previous  versions  of  the object files are
     invalidated and the new object files are loaded into the pad
     sections  of  the  executable.  All references to symbols in
     invalidated object files are patched to point to the correct
     new object files.


     -a          In  static  mode  only,  produce  an  executable
                 object  file;  give  errors for undefined refer-
                 ences.  This is the default behavior for  static

     -i          Ignore LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting.  This option  is
                 useful  when  an  LD_LIBRARY_PATH  setting is in
                 effect to influence the runtime library  search,
                 which  would  interfere  with  the  link editing
                 being performed.  (This also applies to the set-
                 ting of LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 )

     -m          Produce  a  memory  map  or   listing   of   the
                 input/output  sections  on  the standard output.
                 (See BUGS.)

     -s          Strip symbolic information from the output file.
                 Any   debugging  information,  that  is  .debug,
                 .line, and .stab sections and  their  associated
                 relocation entries, will be removed.  Except for
                 relocatable files or shared objects, the  symbol
                 table  and  string  table  sections will also be
                 removed from the output object file.

     -t          Turn off the warning about multiply defined sym-
                 bols that are not the same size.

     -V          Output a message giving  information  about  the
                 version of ild being used.

     -B dynamic|static
                 Options governing library inclusion.   -Bdynamic
                 is  valid  in  dynamic mode only.  These options
                 may be specified any number of times on the com-
                 mand line as toggles:  if the -Bstatic option is
                 given, no shared objects will be accepted  until
                 -Bdynamic is seen.  See also the -l option.

     -d y|n      When -dy, the default, is  specified,  ild  uses
                 dynamic linking; when -dn is specified, ild uses
                 static linking.  Also see -B dynamic|static.

     -e epsym    Set the entry point address for the output  file
                 to be that of the symbol epsym.

     -I name     When building an executable,  use  name  as  the
                 path  name of the interpreter to be written into
                 the program header.  The default in static  mode
                 is  no interpreter; in dynamic mode, the default
                 is   the   name   of   the    runtime    linker,
                 /usr/lib/  Either case may be overridden
                 by -Iname.  exec will load this interpreter when
                 it  loads the a.out and will pass control to the
                 interpreter rather than to the a.out directly.

     -L path     Add path to the library search directories.  ild
                 searches  for libraries first in any directories
                 specified by the -L options,  and  then  in  the
                 standard  directories.   This  option  is useful
                 only if it precedes the -l options to  which  it
                 applies  on  the  command  line. The environment
                 variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64
                 may  be  used  to  supplement the library search
                 path (see ENVIRONMENT below).

     -l x        Search a library or libx.a, the  conven-
                 tional  names  for  shared  object  and  archive
                 libraries,  respectively.   In   dynamic   mode,
                 unless  the  -Bstatic  option  is in effect, ild
                 searches each directory specified in the library
                 search  path  for a file or libx.a.  The
                 directory search stops at  the  first  directory
                 containing  either.  ild chooses the file ending
                 in .so if -lx expands to two files  whose  names
                 are  of  the  form  and  libx.a.  If no
        is found, then ild accepts  libx.a.   In
                 static  mode,  or when the -Bstatic option is in
                 effect, ild selects only the file ending in  .a.
                 A  library  is searched when its name is encoun-
                 tered, so the placement of -l is significant.

     -o outfile  Produce an output  object  file  named  outfile.
                 The name of the default object file is a.out.

     -Q y|n      Under -Qy, an ident string is added to the .com-
                 ment  section of the output file to identify the
                 version of the link editor used  to  create  the
                 file.   This  will  result in multiple ld idents
                 when there have  been  multiple  linking  steps,
                 such  as  when  using  ld -r.  This is identical
                 with the default action of the cc command.   -Qn
                 suppresses version identification.

     -R path     A  colon-separated  list  of  directories   that
                 specifies library search directories to the run-
                 time linker.  If present and not null,  path  is
                 recorded in the output object file and passed to
                 the runtime linker.  Multiple instances of  this
                 option  are  concatenated  and  separated  by  a

     -u symname  Enter symname as an undefined symbol in the sym-
                 bol  table.  This is useful for loading entirely
                 from an archive  library,  since  initially  the
                 symbol  table  is empty and an unresolved refer-
                 ence is needed to force the loading of the first
                 routine.   The  placement  of this option on the
                 command line is significant; it must  be  placed
                 before the library that will define the symbol.

     -Y P,dirlist
                 Change the default directories used for  finding
                 libraries.   dirlist  is  a colon-separated path

                 NOTE: The "-z name" form is used by ild for spe-
                 cial  options.   The  "-i_"  prefix  to  the  -z
                 options identifies  those  options  peculiar  to

     -z allextract|defaultextract|weakextract
                 Alter the extraction criteria  of  objects  from
                 any  archives  that  follow.  By default archive
                 members  are  extracted  to  satisfy   undefined
                 references  and to promote tentative definitions
                 with data definitions.  Weak  symbol  references
                 do  not trigger extraction. Under -z allextract,
                 all  archive  members  are  extracted  from  the
                 archive.  Under  -z weakextract, weak references
                 trigger archive  extraction.   -z defaultextract
                 provides  a  means  of  returning to the default
                 following use of the former extract options.

     -z defs     Force a fatal error  if  any  undefined  symbols
                 remain  at  the  end  of  the link.  This is the
                 default when building an executable.  It is also
                 useful  when  building a shared object to assure
                 that the object is self-contained, that is, that
                 all  its symbolic references are resolved inter-

     -z nodefs   Allow undefined symbols.  This  is  the  default
                 when  building  a shared object.  When used with
                 executables, the behavior of references to  such
                 "undefined symbols" is unspecified.

     -z i_dryrun (ild only).  Print the list of files  ild  would
                 have linked and exit.

     -z i_full   (ild only).  Do a complete relink in incremental

     -z i_noincr (ild only).  Run  ild  in  non-incremental  mode
                 (not  recommended  for  customer  use - used for
                 testing only).

     -z i_quiet  (ild only).  Turns off these two  ild  messages:
                 `ild:  (Performing  full  relink) ...' and `ild:
                 calling ld to finish link'.

     -z i_verbose
                 (ild only).  Expands on default  information  in
                 these  two ild messages:  `ild: (Performing full
                 relink) ...' and  `ild:  calling  ld  to  finish
                 link'   whenever  the  default  text  ends  with


          A list of directories in which to search for  libraries
          specified with the -l option.  Multiple directories are
          separated by a colon.  In the  most  general  case,  it
          will  contain  two directory lists separated by a semi-

          If ild is called with any number of occurrences of  -L,
          as in:
                 ild ... -Lpath1 ... -Lpathn ...

          then the search path ordering is:
                 dirlist1 path1 ... pathn dirlist2 LIBPATH

          When the list of directories does not contain  a  semi-
          colon, it is interpreted as dirlist2.

          LD_LIBRARY_PATH is also used to specify library  search
          directories   to  the  runtime  linker.   That  is,  if
          LD_LIBRARY_PATH exists in the environment, the  runtime
          linker  will search the directories named in it, before
          its default directory, for shared objects to be  linked
          with the program at execution.

          Note:  When running a set-user-ID or set-group-ID  pro-
          gram, the runtime linker will only search for libraries
          in /usr/lib and any full pathname specified within  the
          executable  as  a  result  of a runpath being specified
          when  the  executable  was  constructed.   Any  library
          dependencies  specified  as  relative pathnames will be
          silently ignored.

          On Solaris 7, this environment variable is  similar  to
          LD_LIBRARY_PATH  but  overrides  it  when searching for
          64-bit dependencies.

          When running Solaris 7 on a SPARC processor and linking
          in 32-bit mode, LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 is ignored.  If only
          LD_LIBRARY_PATH is defined, it us used for both  32-bit
          and   64-bit  linking.   If  both  LD_LIBRARY_PATH  and
          LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 are defined, the 32-bit linking will
          be  done  using  LD_LIBRARY_PATH and the 64-bit linking
          using LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 .

          See Linker and Libraries Guide for more information  on
          these environment variables.

          A default set  of  options  to  ild  .   LD_OPTIONS  is
          interpreted  by  ild  just as though its value had been
          placed on the command line, immediately  following  the
          name used to invoke ild , as in:
                 ild $LD_OPTIONS ... other-arguments ...

          A list of shared objects that are to be interpreted  by
          the  runtime  linker.  The specified shared objects are
          linked in after the program being executed  and  before
          any other shared objects that the program references.

          Note:  When running a set-user-ID or set-group-ID  pro-
          gram, this option is silently ignored.

          An alternative mechanism for specifying  a  runpath  to
          the  link  editor (see -R option).  If both LD_RUN_PATH
          and the -R option are specified, -R supersedes.

          (not supported by ild) Provide a list  of  tokens  that
          will cause the runtime linker to print debugging infor-
          mation to the standard error. The  special  token  help
          indicates the full list of tokens available.

     Note:  Environment variable-names beginning with the charac-
     ters  `LD_' are reserved for possible future enhancements to
     ld.  Environment variable-names beginning with  the  charac-
     ters `ILD_' are reserved for possible future enhancements to


     If ild determines that an ild option is  unimplemented,  ild
     directly invokes /usr/css/bin/ld to perform the link.

     The following ld options are not supported by  ild  at  this

     -B symbolic
     -D token
     -F name
     -h name
     -M mapfile
     -z muldefs
     -z text


     ild uses the timestamp associated with  an  archive  library
     object  file to determine which files have been updated.  If
     multiple definitions of the same symbol do not exist in  the
     library, ild finds the correct (that is, only) symbol.  How-
     ever, multiple definitions of the same symbol  confuse  ild.
     ild   occasionally  silently  handles  multiple  definitions

     Option -m produces a memory map but not  a  listing  of  the
     nonfatal multiply-defined symbols on the standard output.

     Once an object file is extracted from an  archive  file  and
     linked  into  an  incremental  executable,  that object file
     remains in the executable, even if all references to it  are
     removed, until the next complete relink (which can be forced
     by deleting the binary).


     libx.a                   libraries
     a.out                    output file
     LIBPATH                  usually /usr/ccs/lib:/usr/lib


     cc(1), CC(1), ld(1), exec(2),  elf(3E),  end(3C),  a.out(4),
     ar(4) f77(1)

     Linker and Libraries Guide

     Sun WorkShop:  C User's Guide manual