aint, anint, irint, nint - round to integral value in
floating-point or integer format
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lsunmath -lm [ library ... ]
#include <sunmath.h>
double aint(double x);
double anint(double x);
int irint(double x);
int nint(double x);
aint() and anint() convert a double value into an integral
value in double format. They differ in how they choose the
result when the argument is not already an integral value.
Here an integral value means a value of a mathematical
integer, which however might be too large to fit in a par-
ticular computer's int format. All sufficiently large
values in a particular floating-point format are already
integral; in IEEE double-precision format, that means all
values >= 2**52. Zeros, infinities, and quiet NaNs are
treated as integral values by these functions, which always
preserve their argument's sign.
aint() returns the integral value between x and 0, nearest
x. This corresponds to IEEE rounding toward zero and to the
Fortran generic intrinsic function aint.
anint() returns the nearest integral value to x, except
halfway cases are rounded to the integral value larger in
magnitude. This corresponds to the Fortran generic intrin-
sic function anint.
irint() converts x into int format according to the current
IEEE rounding direction.
nint() converts x into int format rounding to the nearest
int value, except halfway cases are rounded to the int value
larger in magnitude. This corresponds to the Fortran gen-
eric intrinsic function nint.