Man Page addrans.3m


     addrans - additive pseudo-random number generators


     cc [ flag ... ] file ...  -lsunmath -lm [ library ... ]

     #include <sunmath.h>

     int i_addran_(void);

     float r_addran_(void);

     double d_addran_(void);

     void i_addrans_(int *x, int *n, int *l, int *u);

     void u_addrans_(unsigned *x, int *n, unsigned  *l,  unsigned

     void r_addrans_(float *x, int *n, float *l, float *u);

     void d_addrans_(double *x, int *n, double *l, double *u);

     void i_get_addrans_(int *x);

     void r_get_addrans_(float *x);

     void d_get_addrans_(double *x);

     void i_set_addrans_(int *x);

     void r_set_addrans_(float *x);

     void d_set_addrans_(double *x);

     void i_init_addrans_(void);

     void r_init_addrans_(void);

     void d_init_addrans_(void);


     These  functions  generate  uniformly   distributed   random
     numbers  of types int, unsigned int, float, or double.  Each
     function generates the next random number in sequence  using
     a recurrence of the form

          next = table[i] - table[(i - 24) % ADDRAN_SIZE];
          table[i] = next;
          i = (i + 1) % ADDRAN_SIZE;

     Internally, these functions maintain three  separate  tables
     of  ADDRAN_SIZE  elements  for  each  thread  in  a program.
     ADDRAN_SIZE is defined in <sunmath.h>.

     i_addran_() returns a  random  32-bit  integer.   Successive
     numbers  are  computed  in  32-bit integer arithmetic (i.e.,
     modulo 2**32) and thus lie in the  range  -2147483648,  ...,

     r_addran_() returns a random single precision floating point
     number  between  0  and  1 - 2**-24.  Successive numbers are
     kept in this range by adding 1 when necessary.

     d_addran_() returns a random double precision floating point
     number  between  0  and  1 - 2**-53.  Successive numbers are
     kept in this range by adding 1 when necessary.

     i_addrans_(n,  x,   l,   u),   u_addrans_(n,   x,   l,   u),
     r_addrans_(n, x, l, u), and d_addrans_(n, x, l, u) each fill
     the array elements x[0], ...,  x[*n-1]  with  random  32-bit
     signed  integers, 32-bit unsigned integers, single precision
     floating point numbers and double precision  floating  point
     numbers, respectively.  The numbers are scaled and offset so
     as to be uniformly distributed over the interval [*l, *u].

     i_get_addrans_(x) fills x[0], ..., x[ADDRAN_SIZE-1] with the
     current   values   of   the   table   used   by   i_addran_.
     i_set_addrans_(x) fills this table  with  the  values  x[0],
     ...,  x[ADDRAN_SIZE-1].  i_init_addrans_() resets this table
     to its initial state.

     r_get_addrans_(x) fills x[0], ..., x[ADDRAN_SIZE-1] with the
     current   values   of   the   table   used   by   r_addran_.
     r_set_addrans_(x) fills this table  with  the  values  x[0],
     ...,  x[ADDRAN_SIZE-1].  r_init_addrans_() resets this table
     to its initial state.

     d_get_addrans_(x) fills x[0], ..., x[ADDRAN_SIZE-1] with the
     current   values   of   the   table   used   by   d_addran_.
     d_set_addrans_(x) fills this table  with  the  values  x[0],
     ...,  x[ADDRAN_SIZE-1].  d_init_addrans_() resets this table
     to its initial state.

     i_addrans_ and u_addrans_ use the same table  as  i_addran_.
     r_addrans_  uses  the  same  table as r_addran_.  d_addrans_
     uses the same table as d_addran_.  So, for example,  calling
     i_addran_  immediately  after  calling  i_init_addrans_ will
     give a different result than calling  i_init_addrans_,  then
     u_addrans_, then i_addran_.  Different threads within a pro-
     gram use different tables, however, so calling one of  these
     functions in one thread will not affect the values delivered
     when the same function is called from another thread.


     To generate 1000 random double precision numbers in [0,1):

          double x[1000];
          int i;

          for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
              x[i] = d_addran_();

     The same numbers can be generated more efficiently using:

          double x[1000], lb, ub;
          int n = 1000;

          lb = D_ADDRAN_LB; /* defined in <sunmath.h> */
          ub = D_ADDRAN_UB; /* defined in <sunmath.h> */
          d_addrans_(x, &n, &lb, &ub);

     To generate 1000 random integers between -10 and 10:

          int x[1000], n = 1000, lb = -10, ub = 10;

          i_addrans_(x, &n, &lb, &ub);


     drand48(3C), lcrans(3M), mwcrans(3M), rand(3C),  random(3C),

     Knuth, Seminumerical Algorithms, 1981, Addison-Wesley.

     Park and Miller, Random Number  Generators:  Good  Ones  are
     Hard to Find, Communications of the ACM, October 1988.


     Typically, the addrans(3M) generators are faster than either
     the lcrans(3M) or the mwcrans(3M) generators.