Man Page stat.3f


     stat, lstat, fstat - get file status


     integer*4 function stat(name,statb)
     character*(*) name
     integer*4 statb(13)

     integer*4 function lstat(name,statb)
     character*(*) name
     integer*4 statb(13)

     integer function fstat(lunit,statb)
     integer*4 statb(13)


     These routines return detailed information about a file.

     The functions stat and lstat do the query by filename.

     The function fstat does the query by  FORTRAN  logical  unit

     The value of each function is zero  if  successful,  and  an
     error code otherwise.

     The variable statb receives the  status  structure  for  the

     Calling Sequences:

     integer*4 stat, statb(13)
     character name*(*)
     ierr = stat ( name, statb )

     integer*4 fstat, logunit, statb(13)
     ierr = fstat ( logunit, statb )

     integer*4 lstat, statb(13)
     character name*(*)
     ierr = lstat ( name, statb )

     The meaning of the information returned in the  array  statb
     is as described for the structure stat under stat(2).

     Spare values are not included.  The order is:

               statb(1)        device inode resides on
               statb(2)        this inode's number
               statb(3)        protection
               statb(4)        number of hard links to the file
               statb(5)        user id of owner
               statb(6)        group id of owner
               statb(7)        the device type, for inode that is device
               statb(8)        total size of file
               statb(9)        file last access time
               statb(10)       file last modify time
               statb(11)       file last status change time
               statb(12)       optimal blocksize for file system i/o ops
               statb(13)       actual number of blocks allocated


     These routines do not return an error or warning  when  used
     on files larger than 2 Gbytes ("large" files, where the size
     in bytes is beyond the ranger of INTEGER*4  data).  However,
     the  value returned as the total size of the file (statb(8))
     will be truncated to the lower 32 bits.  Support  for  large
     files  was  introduced  with  the release of the Solaris 2.6
     operating  environment.  Use  stat64(3F),  lstat64(3F),  and
     fstat64(3F),  the  64-bit  versions  of these routines, with
     large files.

     stat calls stat(2) in the libc library,  while  lstat  calls
     lstat(2).   For the differences between these two libc func-
     tions, see the stat(2) man page. In brief, they differ  when
     the  named file is a symbolic link; lstat will return infor-
     mation about the link, while stat  will  return  information
     about the file the link references.




     stat(2), access(3F), perror(3F), time(3F)
     stat64(3F), lstat64(3F), fstat64(3F)


     Path names cannot be longer than MAXPATHLEN  as  defined  in