Man Page lnblnk.3f


     index, rindex, lnblnk, len - get index  or  length  of  sub-


     CHARACTER*(*) string, substr
     n = INDEX (string, substr)

     INTEGER*4 FUNCTION rindex
     CHARACTER*(*) string, substr
     n = rindex (string, substr)

     INTEGER*4 FUNCTION lnblnk
     CHARACTER*(*) string
     n = lnblnk (string)

     CHARACTER*(*) string
     n = LEN (string)


     INDEX(a1,a2) returns the index of the first occurrence of
     string a2 in string a1, or zero if it does not occur
     (intrinsic function).

     rindex(a1,a2) returns the index of the last occurrence of
     string a2 in string a1, or zero if it does not occur.

     lnblnk( a1 ) returns the index of the last non-blank charac-
     ter in a1.  This function is useful since all f77 character
     objects are of fixed length and blank-padded.

     LEN returns the declared size of the character string argu-
     ment (intrinsic function).


     When compiling for 64-bit environments (with compiler option
     -xarch=v9 or v9a), routines len, index, rindex, and lnblnk
     could return values greater than the data range of INTEGER*4
     data when applied to very large character strings (greater
     than 2 Gbytes). In this situation, these functions must be
     declared INTEGER*8, as well as the variables receiving their


     Example: LEN(), INDEX(), rindex() , lnblnk():

             CHARACTER s*32 / '123456789 123456789 1234' /
             INTEGER*4 declen, first, last, lnblnk, rindex
             declen = LEN( s )
             first = INDEX( s, '123' )
             last = rindex( s, '123' )
             lastnb = lnblnk( s )
             PRINT*, declen, lastnb, first, last

     demo% f77 -silent tindex.f
     demo% a.out
        32  24  1  21

     In the above example, declen is 32, not 24. This is the
     declared length of the character variable, not the length of
     the string it contains.

