ieee_environment - mode, status, and signal handling for
IEEE arithmetic
#include "floatingpoint.h"
integer*4 function ieee_flags(action,mode,in,out)
character*(*) action, mode, in, out
integer*4 function ieee_handler(action,exception,hdl)
character*(*) action, exception
sigfpe_handler_type hdl
sigfpe_handler_type function sigfpe(code, hdl)
sigfpe_code_type code
sigfpe_handler_type hdl
These subprograms provide modes and status required to fully
exploit ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985 arithmetic in a FORTRAN
program. They correspond closely to the functions
ieee_flags(3M), ieee_handler(3M), and sigfpe(3).
Example 1: Set rounding direction to round toward zero,
unless the hardware does not support directed rounding
integer*4 ieeer
character*1 mode, out, in
ieeer = ieee_flags('set', 'direction', 'tozero', out)
Example 2: Clear rounding direction to default, round toward
character*1 out, in
ieeer = ieee_flags('clear','direction', in, out)
Example 3: Clear all accrued exception-occurred bits:
character*16 out
ieeer = ieee_flags('clear','exception','all',out)
Example 4: If example 3 generates the overflow exception,
detect the exception as follows:
character*16 out
ieeer = ieee_flags('get','exception','overflow', out)
Example 5: A user-specified signal handler, with a main pro-
gram to use it:
external hand
real r / 14.2 /, s / 0.0 /
i = ieee_handler( 'set', 'division', hand )
t = r/s
integer function hand ( sig, sip, uap )
integer sig, address
structure /fault/
integer address
end structure
structure /siginfo/
integer si_signo
integer si_code
integer si_errno
record /fault/ fault
end structure
record /siginfo/ sip
address = sip.fault.address
write (*,10) address
10 format('Exception at hex address ', z8 )
floatingpoint(5), floatingpoint(3F), signal(3c), sigfpe(3),
ieee_handler(3M), and the Numerical Computation Guide