Man Page date_and_time.3f


     date_and_time - Returns date and time in character form


     subroutine date_and_time (date, time, zone, values)
     character*8 date
     character*10 time
     character*5 zone
     integer*4 values(8)


     This is a Fortran 77  version  of  the  Fortran  90  routine
     DATE_AND_TIME and is YEAR 2000 SAFE.

     The DATE_AND_TIME subroutine returns data from the real-time
     clock  and  the date. Local time is returned, as well as the
     difference between local time and Universal Coordinated Time
     (UTC) (also known as Greenwich Mean Time, GMT).

     The DATE_AND_TIME subroutine  accepts  the  following  argu-

     date      Must be a scalar of type character.  It must be at
               least  8  characters  long to contain the complete
               value.  It is an output argument, and the leftmost
               8  characters  are  set  to  a  value  of the form
               YYYYMMDD, where YYYY is the four-digit year, MM is
               the  month  within  the  year,  and  DD is the day
               within the month.  If there is no date  available,
               date is set to blanks.

     time      Must be a scalar of type character.  It must be at
               least  10  characters long to contain the complete
               value.  It is an output argument, and the leftmost
               10  characters  are  set  to  a  value of the form
               hhmmss.sss, where hh is the hour of the day, mm is
               the minutes of the hour, and ss.sss is seconds and
               milliseconds of the minute.  If there is no  clock
               available, time is set to blanks.

     zone      Must be a scalar of type character.  It must be at
               least  5  characters  long to contain the complete
               value.  It is an output argument whose leftmost  5
               characters  are  set to a value of the form _hhmm,
               where hh and  mm  are  the  time  difference  with
               respect  to  UTC  in  hours  and  parts of an hour
               expressed in minutes, respectively.  If  there  is
               no clock available, zone is set to blanks.  (Note:
               Local time zone is set  by  the  operating  system
               and/or the TZ environment variable.)

     values    Must be of type default integer and of  rank  one.
               It  is an output argument and must have at least 8
               elements.  The values returned in  values  are  as

               Values    Return value

               values(1) The year (that is, 1990)

               values(2) The month of the year (1-12)

               values(3) The day of the month (1-31)

               values(4) The time difference,  in  minutes,  with
                         respect to UTC

               values(5) The hour of the day, in the range  of  0
                         to 23

               values(6) The minutes of the hour, in the range  0
                         to 59

               values(7) The seconds of the minute, in the  range
                         0 to 60

               values(8) The milliseconds of the second,  in  the
                         range 0 to 999


        integer*4 date_time(8)
        character(len=10) big_ben(3)
        call date_and_time(big_ben(1), big_ben(2), big_ben(3), date_time)
        print *,'date_time array values:'
        print *,'year=',date_time(1)
        print *,'month_of_year=',date_time(2)
        print *,'day_of_month=',date_time(3)
        print *,'time difference in minutes=',date_time(4)
        print *,'hour of day=',date_time(5)
        print *,'minutes of hour=',date_time(6)
        print *,'seconds of minute=',date_time(7)
        print *,'milliseconds of second=',date_time(8)
        print *, 'DATE=',big_ben(1)
        print *, 'TIME=',big_ben(2)
        print *, 'ZONE=',big_ben(3)

     When this program was run in California, USA, on October 10,
     1997, it generated the following output:

      date_time array values:
      year=  1997
      month_of_year=  10
      day_of_month=  10
      time difference in minutes= -420
      hour of day=  16
      minutes of hour=  35
      seconds of minute=  37
      milliseconds of second=  708




     idate(3f), ctime(3F), fdate(3F), and the FORTRAN 77 Language
     Reference Manual