Man Page ss_attach.1


     ss_attach - start a debugging session in the Sun Studio  IDE
     attached to a specified process


     ss_attach program-name [argument...]  [-v|-V] [-?|--help]


     The ss_attach command invokes program-name with  argument(s)
     and induces the Sun[tm] Studio IDE to start a debugging ses-
     sion attached to the process for program-name.

     Before issuing the ss_attach command, you must  enable  this
     type  of  attachment  to  a process in the Sun Studio IDE by
     choosing Tools -> Allow ss_attach request.  If you have  not
     done  so,  the  ss_attach command silently proceeds with the
     execution of program-name.

     The new debugging session in the IDE has  the  same  current
     working directory as program-name.

     argument(s) are passed to the debugging session (and applied
     using  the  dbx runargs command) so that program-name can be
     rerun from within dbx.

     Both the arguments and the working  directory  override  any
     previously  established values stored in a dbx configuration
     for the program.

     If the IDE has too many ss_attach commands trying to connect
     to  it  (for  example,  because of a runaway shell loop), it
     stops listening to the connections.  The  limit  is  set  to
     spro.ss_attach.maxrequests for Sun Studio.


     If program-name is successfully invoked, the exit status  of
     the  ss_attach  command is the exit status of program-name ;
     otherwise, the ss_attach command exits with one of the  fol-
     lowing values:

          1-125       An error occurred in the ss_attach command.
          126         program-name was found  but  could  not  be
          127         program-name could not be found.

     If ss_attach does not successfully start a debugging session
     attached  to  the  specified  process, try running ss_attach
     with the -V option.


     -v          Verbose.  Makes  the  ss_attach  command   print
                 information about its interaction with the IDE:

                 $ ss_attach -v date
                 ss_attach: trying to connect to IDE ...
                 ss_attach: got connection
                 ss_attach: waiting for session start in IDE ...
                 ss_attach: Proceeding with exec.
                 Mon Mar 22 16:34:09 PST 2004

     -V          Version. Prints out the version of ss_attach and
     -?   --help
                 Help. Prints out a usage message and exits.


     Currently there is not a way to have the  ss_attach  command
     start  an  instance  of  the  Sun  Studio  IDE if one is not
     already running.

     If more than  one  instance  of  the  IDE  allows  ss_attach
     requests,  it  is undefined which IDE instance the ss_attach
     command will attach the program to.

     The ss_attach command does not help  capture  Java  applica-
     tions.  It  treats the Java[tm] Virtual Machine as a generic
     native application.

     A program captured by the ss_attach command is not added  to
     the Debug -> Load Recent menu in the IDE.

     No facilities are yet available for easily enabling run time
     checking  or  performance data collection on a captured pro-

     There is no way yet to prevent dbx from  advancing  to  main
     (in  cases where main has debugging information) upon a suc-
     cessful capture. This  makes  the  ss_attach  command  less-
     than-ideal for debugging static initializers.


     PATH        program-name is searched for  in  $PATH  through
                 the use of execvp(2).




     Common causes for the following error message:

     ss_attach: could not connect to external  start  service  --
     service not registered

     are that the IDE and ss_attach have not been started

     o By the same user

     o  With  the  same  $DISPLAY  environment  variable  setting
     (screen numbers are allowed to differ)


     dbx(1), sunstudio(1), execvp(2).