snit - Serial Number Installation Tool
snit [ -h ]
snit [ -d ] [ -f licensefile ]
snit [ -i serialnumber ] [ -f licensefile ]
This utility can be used to display the contents of a
license file. It can also be used to install serial numbers
into the license file. If used without any options snit will
attempt to display the contents of the default license file.
The default license file will be the license file that is in
the same installation directory as snit.
-d Display the contents of the license file. If the
-f option is omitted snit will attempt to display
the contents of the default license file. This is
the license file that is in the same installation
directory as snit. The -f option can be used to
display other license files.
The output from this command will list the
location of the license file, and information on
each serial number installed into the license file
including, RTUs, whether or not the serial number
is a trial serial number and its expiration date,
-f licensefile
Use this option to carry out snit operations on
any serial number license file rather than use the
default license file. licensefile can either be a
relative or absolute path to the license file to
be used.
-h Display usage information for snit.
-i serialnumber
This option will install the serial number into
the license file providing the user has the
correct permissions to do so. If the -f option is
omitted snit will attempt to install the serial
number into the default license file. The -f
option can be used to install the serial number
into a different license file.
An invalid serial number will not be installed.
Invalid serial numbers include serial numbers that
are not of the proper serial number format, serial
number that have already expired, and serial
numbers that are already found to be in the
license file.
Example 1: Display contents of default license file
snit -d
Number of serial numbers found: 1
Total RTUs available: 1
License file used:
Serial Number (SN): DAS030-M99BDISNU-028606406
Is SN valid?: yes
RTUs: 1
Is trial SN?: yes
Days until expiration: 53
Expiration date: 08/20/02
Example 2: Install a new serial number into default license
snit -i DAS040-999P9IEN9-142697251
Serial number successfully installed into