Man Page fpversion.1


     fpversion - print information about the system CPU and FPU


     fpversion [ -foption ]


     fpversion prints information about the system  CPU  and  all
     available  floating-point  hardware  on the standard output.
     fpversion is available only on SPARC platforms.

     Invoked without an argument, some of the following  informa-
     tion  will  be  displayed:   CPU  type and approximate clock
     rate, FPU type, apparent mask number and  approximate  clock
     rate,  and highest performance SPARC ABI-compliant floating-
     point code  generation  option.   The  type  of  information
     displayed  depends  upon  the  system and the floating-point
     hardware available.  The clock rate is derived by  executing
     instructions  in  a loop and timing with getrusage(2) and is
     thus somewhat variable.


     -foption    Prints   the   fastest    SPARC    ABI-compliant
                 floating-point  code  generation option for that
                 particular system.  This usage is  intended  for
                 shell  scripts  and  Makefiles that compile pro-
                 grams but note that the output does not  include
                 a leading +".


     demo% fpversion
      A SPARC-based CPU is available.
      Kernel says CPU's clock rate is 440.0 MHz.
      Kernel says main memory's clock rate is 110.0 MHz.

      Sun-4 floating-point controller version 0 found.
      An UltraSPARC chip is available.

      Use "-xtarget=ultra2i -xcache=16/32/1:2048/64/1" code-generation option.

     demo% fpversion -foption
     xtarget=ultra2i -xcache=16/32/1:2048/64/1

     Use fpversion on compiler command lines:

       cc -`fpversion -foption` any.c

     corresponds to

       cc -xtarget=ultra2i -xcache=16/32/1:2048/64/1 any.c


     On UltraSPARC platforms,  the  fastest  SPARC  ABI-compliant
     floating-point  code  generation option does not exploit the
     full potential of the underlying  hardware.   If  SPARC  ABI
     compliance  is  not a consideration, use the code generation
     option   of   -xtarget=native    in    32-bit    mode    and
     -xtarget=native64 in 64-bit mode to better utilize the SPARC
     hardware present.