Man Page er_archive.1


     er_archive - construct function and module lists for a  per-
     formance experiment


          er_archive [ -qFA ]  experiment.

          er_archive -V


     er_archive runs automatically when an  experiment  completes
     normally,  or  upon  initial  invocation  of the analyzer or
     er_print command on an experiment.  It  reads  the  list  of
     shared  objects referenced in the experiment, and constructs
     an archive file for each.  Each output file is named with  a
     suffix  of  .archive,  and contains function and module map-
     pings for the shared object.  If  the  target  program  ter-
     minates abnormally, er_archive might not run.

     If the user wishes to examine the experiment on a  different
     machine  from  the  one on which it was recorded, er_archive
     must be manually run on the experiment  on  the  machine  on
     which the data was recorded.

     A .archive file is generated for all shared  objects  refer-
     enced  in  the  experiment.   If the shared object cannot be
     found, or if it has a timestamp differing from that recorded
     in  the  experiment,  or if er_archive is run on a different
     machine from that on which the experiment was recorded,  the
     .archive  contains  a warning.  Warnings are also written to
     stderr whenever er_archive is run manually (without  the  -q


     -q        Do not write any warnings to stderr.  Warnings are
               incorporated  into the .archive file, and shown in
               the analyzer or er_print output.

     -F        Force writing  or  rewriting  of  .archive  files.
               This  argument  can  be  used to run er_archive by
               hand, to rewrite files that had warnings.

     -A        Request writing of all load objects to experiment.
               This  argument can be used to generate experiments
               that are more readily copied to  a  machine  other
               than the one on which the experiment was recorded.

     -V        Write version number  information  for  er_archive
               and exit.


     er_archive does not work on experiments recorded  with  ear-
     lier versions of the tools.  If invoked on such experiments,
     a warning is printed.  Use the version  of  er_archive  from
     the release with which the experiment was recorded.


     collect(1), collector(1), er_print(1), and the
     Performance Analyzer manual.