Man Page cxref.1


     cxref - generate C program cross-reference


     cxref [options] files


     The cxref command analyzes  a  collection  of  C  files  and
     builds  a  cross-reference table.  cxref uses a special ver-
     sion of cc to include #define'd information  in  its  symbol
     table.   It  generates  a list of all symbols (auto, static,
     and global) in each individual file, or, with the -c option,
     in combination.  The table includes four fields: NAME, FILE,
     FUNCTION, and LINE. The line numbers appearing in  the  LINE
     field  also  show reference marks as appropriate. The refer-
     ence marks include:

          assignment     =
          declaration    -
          definition     *

     If no reference marks  appear,  you  can  assume  a  general


     cxref interprets the -D, -I, -U options in the  same  manner
     that  cc  does.  In addition, cxref interprets the following

     -C      Run only the first pass of  cxref,  creating  a  .cx
             file  that  can  later  be passed to cxref.  This is
             similar to the -c option of cc or lint.

     -c      Combine the  source  files  into  a  single  report.
             Without  the  -c  option, cxref generates a separate
             report for each file on the command line.

     -d      Disable printing  declarations,  making  the  report
             easier to read.

     -F      Print the full path of the referenced file names.

     -Lcols  Modify the number of columns in the LINE field.   If
             you  do  not  specify  -L,  cxref  defaults  to five

     -l      Do not print local variables.  Print only global and
             file scope statistics.

     -o file Direct output to file.

     -R      Include referenced functions in the  cross-reference

     -s      Operate silently; do not print input file names.

     -t      Format listing for 80-column width.

     -V      Print version information on the standard error.

             Change the default width of  all  fields.  You  must
             supply  a  value  for all four columns.  The default
             widths are:
             Field       Characters

             NAME        15
             FILE        13
             FUNCTION    15
             LINE        20 (4 per column)

     -wnum   Format output no wider than num  (decimal)  columns.
             If  -w  is not specified, or if num is less than 51,
             the width will default to 80 columns.


     TMPDIR    cxref writes temporary files to the directory  set
               by  this environmental variable.  If TMPDIR is not
               set,  cxref  uses   /var/tmp   [see   tempnam   in


     TMPDIR/tcx.*        temporary files

     TMPDIR/cx.*         temporary files



     1    main()
     2    {
     3         int i;
     4         extern char c;
     6         i=65;
     7         c=(char)i;
     8    }

     Resulting cross-reference table:

     NAME    FILE          FUNCTION    LINE

     c       a.c           ---         4-      7=
     i       a.c           main        3*      6=   7
     main    a.c           ---         2*


     lint(1), cc(1)


     Error messages usually mean you cannot compile the files.