Man Page bil2xd.1


     bil2xd - Converts BIL source to X-Designer	save files


     bil2xd [ -cfprsStx	] [ -g[A] ] [ -i[xywh] ] [ inputfile |	-
     ] [ outputfile ]


     bil2xd is a simple	filter for converting BIL source code  to
     xdesigner	save  files.  By default it reads BIL source from
     standard input and	writes a xdesigner save	file on	 standard

     By	default	bil2xd converts	every resource type, but this can
     be	 controlled  by	 the  flags described below.  Note that	a
     plus (+) may be used instead of a minus (-) to  reverse  the
     sense of the filter masks.


     -c	       Do not convert Color resources.

     -f	       Do not convert Font resources.

     -p	       Do not convert Pixmap resources.

     -r	       Do not convert Real resources.

     -s	       Do not convert Scalar resources.

     -S	       Do not convert String resources.

     -t	       Do not convert Translation resources.

     -g[A]     Do not convert Geometry resources.  If the A qual-
	       ifier  is added,	then bil2xd will add some default
	       attachments to give a minimal layout.

     -i[xywh]  Do not  convert	Integer	 resources.   By  default
	       bil2xd will output absolute positions and sizes to
	       the save	file.  Use the	-i  flag  to  stop  these
	       resources  being	 put into the output file.  Finer
	       control can be achieved by using	the [xywh]  qual-

     -ix       Use  the	 flag  to  stop	  X   coordinates   (XmNx
	       resources) being	converted.

     -iy       Use  the	 flag  to  stop	  Y   coordinates   (XmNy
	       resources) being	converted.

     -iw       Use the	flag  to  stop	object	Widths	(XmNwidth
	       resources) being	converted.

     -ih       Use the flag to stop X object  Heights  (XmNheight
	       resources) being	converted.

     -x	       Print list of switches

     inputfile | -
	       Specify an input	file. If a  minus  is  used  (-),
	       then  the input is taken	from standard input (this
	       is necessary if you wish	to specify an output file
	       whilst taking input from	standard input).

	       Specify an output file.


     bil2xd does not handle all	the bil	attributes.

Sun WorkShop 6 Man Pages