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©Copyright 1996 Rogue Wave Software

Overview and Features of Tools.h++

Tools.h++ is a rich, robust, and versatile C++ foundation class library: a set of software parts you can use to build virtually any application.

Tools.h++ is an industry standard. It is shipped by a wide variety of compiler vendors with every copy of their compilers. Preferred by thousands of users world wide, it is ported to numerous compilers and operating systems. Tools.h++ is available on almost any development platform you choose.

This new version of Tools.h++ is built on the Standard C++ Library. To aid your transition into this technology, Tools.h++ provides a familiar object-oriented interface, and a reliable upward migration path. You can count on Tools.h++ to track and incorporate revisions of the Standard C++ Library as they are approved.

Your new Tools.h++ package includes:

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