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©Copyright 1996 Rogue Wave Software

Chapter 19: Common Mistakes

Rogue Wave libraries are built by developers like you who understand the frustration of programming errors. We try hard to fine tune our libraries to minimize these errors. Nevertheless, the complexity of C++ affords countless oportunities for making some very subtle mistakes.

In writing this section,we went through our technical support documents to uncover the most common mistakes our users were reporting. When we found mistakes that could be prevented, we tried to rewrite the library to make the impossible. This is always the best approach. We can't always follow it, however, if unacceptable performance degradations result, or the language itself prohibits the change.

This section summarizes the most common mistakes that are left over after we fixed the ones we could. If you're having a problem, take a look through this list and, of course, be sure to read the pertinent parts of the manual.

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