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The following example is a complete program that creates a deck of cards and shuffles it. The purpose of the example is to show how the Tools.h++ template collections can be used in conjunction with the Standard C++ Library. See your Standard C++ Library documentation for more information on the features used in the example.
/* Note: This example requires the C++ Standard Library */ #include <iostream.h> #include <algorithm> #include <rw/tvordvec.h> struct Card { char rank; char suit; bool operator==(const Card& c) const { return rank == c.rank && suit == c.suit; } Card() { } Card(char r, char s) : rank(r), suit(s) { } // print card: e.g. '3-C' = three of clubs, 'A-S' = ace of spades friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& ostr, const Card& c) { return (ostr << c.rank << "-" << c.suit << " "); } }; /* * A generator class - return Cards in sequence */ class DeckGen { int rankIdx; // indexes into static arrays below int suitIdx; static const char Ranks[13]; static const char Suits[4]; public: DeckGen() : rankIdx(-1), suitIdx(-1) { } // generate the next Card Card operator()() { rankIdx = (rankIdx + 1) % 13; if (rankIdx == 0) // cycled through ranks, move on to next suit: suitIdx = (suitIdx + 1) % 4; return Card(Ranks[rankIdx], Suits[suitIdx]); } }; const char DeckGen::Suits[4] = {'S', 'H', 'D', 'C' }; const char DeckGen::Ranks[13] = {'A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K' }; int main(){ // Tools.h++ collection: RWTValOrderedVector<Card> deck; RWTValOrderedVector<Card>::size_type pos; Card aceOfSpades('A','S'); Card firstCard; // Use standard library algorithm to generate deck: generate_n(back_inserter(deck.std()), 52, DeckGen()); cout << endl << "The deck has been created" << endl; // Use Tools.h++ member function to find card: pos = deck.index(aceOfSpades); cout << "The Ace of Spades is at position " << pos+1 << endl; // Use standard library algorithm to shuffle deck: random_shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end()); cout << endl << "The deck has been shuffled" << endl; // Use Tools.h++ member functions: pos = deck.index(aceOfSpades); firstCard = deck.first(); cout << "Now the Ace of Spades is at position " << pos+1 << endl << "and the first card is " << firstCard << endl; } /* Output (will vary because of the shuffle): The deck has been created The Ace of Spades is at position 1 The deck has been shuffled Now the Ace of Spades is at position 37 and the first card is Q-D */