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#include <rw/wtoken.h>
RWWString str("a string of tokens", RWWString::ascii); RWWTokenizer(str); // Lex the above string
Class RWWTokenizer is designed to break a string up into separate tokens, delimited by arbitrary "white space." It can be thought of as an iterator for strings and as an alternative to the C library function wstok() which has the unfortunate side effect of changing the string being tokenized.
#include <rw/wtoken.h> #include <rw/rstream.h> main(){ RWWString a(L"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"); RWWTokenizer next(a); // Tokenize the string a RWWString token; // Will receive each token // Advance until the null string is returned: while (!(token=next()).isNull()) cout << token << "\n"; }
Program output:
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark
RWWTokenizer(const RWWString& s);
Construct a tokenizer to lex the string s.
RWWSubString operator();
Advance to the next token and return it as a substring. The tokens are delimited by any of the four wide characters in L" \t\n\0". (space, tab, newline and null).
RWWSubString operator()(const wchar_t* s);
Advance to the next token and return it as a widesubstring. The tokens are delimited by any wide character in s, or any embedded wide null.
RWWSubString operator()(const wchar_t* s,size_t num);
Advance to the next token and return it as a substring. The tokens are delimited by any of the first num wide characters in s. Buffer s may contain embedded nulls, and must contain at least num wide characters. Tokens will not be delimited by nulls unless s contains nulls.