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#include <rw/rwstl/slist.h> rw_slist<T> list;
Class rw_slist<T> maintains a collection of T, implemented as a singly-linked list. Since this is a value based list, objects are copied into and out of the links that make up the list. As with all classes that meet the ANSI sequence specification, rw_slist provides for iterators that reference its elements. Operations that alter the contents of rw_slist will invalidate iterators that reference items at or after the location of change.
typedef T value_type; typedef T& reference; typedef const T& const_reference; typedef (unsigned) size_type; //from Allocator<Node>
Iterators over rw_slist<T> are forward iterators.
typedef (scoped Iterator) iterator; typedef (scoped ConstIterator) const_iterator;
Construct an empty rw_slist<T>.
rw_slist<T>(const rw_slist<T>& list);
Construct an rw_slist<T> which is a copy of list. Each element from list will be copied into self.
rw_slist<T>(size_type count, const T& value);
Construct an rw_slist<T> containing exactly count copies of value.
rw_slist<T>(const_iterator first, const_iterator bound);
Construct an rw_slist<T> containing a copy of each element referenced by the range starting at first and bounded by bound.
rw_slist<T>(const T* first, const T* bound);
Construct an rw_slist<T> containing a copy of each element referenced by the range starting at first and bounded by bound.
The destructor releases the memory used by the links.
iterator begin();
The iterator returned references the first item in self. If self is empty, the iterator is equal to end().
const_iterator begin() const;
The iterator returned references the first item in self. If self is empty, the iterator is equal to end().
iterator end();
The iterator returned marks the location "off the end" of self. It may not be dereferenced.
const_iterator end() const;
The iterator returned marks the location "off the end" of self. It may not be dereferenced.
T& front();
References the first item in the list as an L-value. If self is empty, the behavior is undefined.
const T& front();
References the first item in the list as an R-value. If self is empty, the behavior is undefined.
bool empty() const;
Returns true if self is empty.
size_type size() const;
Returns the number of items currently held in self.
iterator erase(iterator iter);
Removes from self the element referenced by iter. If iter does not reference an actual item contained in self, the effect is undefined. Returns an iterator referencing the location just after the erased item.
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator bound);
Removes from self the elements referenced by the range beginning at first and bounded by bound. Returns an iterator referencing a position just after the last erased item. If first does not reference an item in self (and if first and bound are not equal), the effect is undefined.
iterator insert(iterator loc, const T& val);
Insert val just prior to the place referenced by loc. Returns an iterator referencing the newly inserted element. (Note: ++(list.insert(loc,val))==loc; )
iterator insert(iterator loc, const_iterator first, const_iterator bound);
Insert a copy of each item in the range beginning at first and bounded by bound into self at a place just prior to the place referenced by loc. Returns an iterator referencing the last newly inserted element. (Note: ++(list.insert(loc,first,bound))==loc; )
iterator insert(iterator loc, const T* first, const T* bound);
Insert a copy of each item in the range beginning at first and bounded by bound into self at a place just prior to the place referenced by loc. Returns an iterator referencing the last newly inserted element. (Note: ++(list.insert(loc,first,bound))==loc; )
void pop_front();
Erases the first element of self. If self is empty, the effect is undefined.
void push_back(const T& item);
Inserts item as the last element of the list.
void push_front(const T& item);
Inserts item as the first element of the list.
void reverse();
Reverses the order of the nodes containing the elements in self.
void sort();
Sorts self according to T::operator<(T) or equivalent. Runs in time proportional to N log(N) where N is the number of elements.This is method does not copy or destroy any of the items exchanged during the sort, but adjusts the order of the links in the list.
void swap(rw_slist<T>& other);
Exchanges the contents of self with other retaining the ordering of each. This is method does not copy or destroy any of the items exchanged, but re-links the lists.
void unique();
Removes from self all but the first element from each equal range. A precondition is that any duplicate elements are adjacent.
void merge(rw_slist& donor);
Assuming both donor and self are sorted, moves every item from donor into self, leaving donor empty, and self sorted. If either list is unsorted, the move will take place, but the result may not be sorted. This method does not copy or destroy the items in donor, but re-links list nodes into self.
void splice(iterator to, rw_slist<T>& donor);
Insert the entire contents of donor into self, just before the position referenced by to, leaving donor empty. This method does not copy or destroy any of the items moved, but re-links the list nodes from donor into self.
void splice(iterator to, rw_slist<T>& donor, iterator from);
Remove from donor and insert into self, just before location to, the item referenced by from. If from does not reference an actual item contained in donor the effect is undefined. This method does not copy or destroy the item referenced by from, but re-links the node containing it from donor into self.
void splice(iterator to, rw_slist<T>& donor, iterator from_start, iterator from_bound);
Remove from donor and insert into self just before location to, the items referenced by the range beginning with from_start and bounded by from_bound. If that range does not refer to items contained by donor, the effect is undefined. This method does not copy or destroy the items referenced by the range, but re-links those list nodes from donor into self.
bool operator==(const rw_slist<T>& lhs, const rw_slist<T>& rhs);
Returns true if lhs and rhs have the same number of elements and each element of rhs tests equal (T::operator==() or equivalent) to the corresponding element of lhs.
bool operator<(const rw_slist<T>& lhs, const rw_slist<T>& rhs);
Returns the result of calling
lexicographical_compare(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end());