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#include <locale.h>
#include <rw/locale.h> RWLocaleSnapshot ourLocale(""); // encapsulate user's formats
The class RWLocaleSnapshot implements the RWLocale interface using Standard C library facilities. To use it, the program creates an RWLocaleSnapshot instance. The constructor of the instance queries the program's environment (using standard C library functions such as localeconv(), strftime(), and, if available , vendor specific library functions) to learn everything it can about formatting conventions in effect at the moment of instantiation. When done, the locale can then be switched and another instance of RWLocaleSnapshot created. By creating multiple instances of RWLocaleSnapshot, your program can have more than one locale active at the same time, something that is difficult to do with the Standard C library facilities.
Note: RWLocaleSnapshot does not encapsulate character set, collation, or message information.
Class RWLocaleSnapshot has a set of public data members initialized by its constructor with information extracted from its execution environment.
Try this program with the environmental variable LANG set to various locales:
#include <rw/rwdate.h>
#include <rw/locale.h> #include <iostream.h>
RWLocaleSnapshot *userLocale = new RWLocaleSnapshot(""); RWLocale::global(userLocale); // Print a number using the global locale: cout << RWLocale::global().asString(1234567.6543) << endl; // Now get and print a date: cout << "enter a date: " << flush; RWDate date; cin >> date; if (date.isValid()) cout << date << endl; else cout << "bad date" << endl; delete userLocale; return 0; }
enum RWDateOrder { DMY, MDY, YDM, YMD };
RWLocaleSnapshot(const char* localeName = 0);
Constructs an RWLocale object by extracting formats from the global locale environment. It uses the Standard C Library function setlocale() to set the named locale, and then restores the previous global locale after formats have been extracted. If localeName is 0, it simply uses the current locale. The most useful locale name is the empty string, "", which is a synonym for the user's chosen locale (usually specified by the environment variable LANG).
virtual RWCString asString(long) const; virtual RWCString asString(unsigned long) const; virtual RWCString asString(double f, int precision = 6, RWBoolean showpoint = 0) const; virtual RWCString asString(struct tm* tmbuf,char format, const RWZone& zone); const; virtual RWCString asString(struct tm* tmbuf,char* format, const RWZone& zone) const; virtual RWCString moneyAsString(double value,enum CurrSymbol = LOCAL) const; virtual RWBoolean stringToNum (const RWCString&, double* fp) const; virtual RWBoolean stringToNum (const RWCString&, long* ip ) const; virtual RWBoolean stringToDate (const RWCString&, struct tm*) const; virtual RWBoolean stringToTime (const RWCString&, struct tm*) const; virtual RWBoolean stringToMoney(const RWCString&, double* , RWLocale::CurrSymbol=LOCAL) const;
Redefined from class RWLocale. These virtual functions follow the interface described under class RWLocale. They generally work by converting values to and from strings using the rules specified by the struct lconv values (see <locale.h>) encapsulated in self.
RWCString decimal_point_; RWCString thousands_sep_; RWCString grouping_; RWCString int_curr_symbol_; RWCString currency_symbol_; RWCString mon_decimal_point_; RWCString mon_thousands_sep_; RWCString mon_grouping_; RWCString positive_sign_; RWCString negative_sign_; char int_frac_digits_; char frac_digits_; char p_cs_precedes_; char p_sep_by_space_; char n_cs_precedes_; char n_sep_by_space_; char p_sign_posn_; char n_sign_posn_;
These are defined identically as the correspondingly-named members of the standard C library type lconv, from <locale.h>.