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©Copyright 1996 Rogue Wave Software
#include <rw/gvector.h>
declare(RWGVector,val) implement(RWGVector,val) RWGVector(val) a; // A Vector of val's.
Class RWGVector(val) represents a group of ordered elements, accessible by an index. Duplicates are allowed. This class is implemented as an array. Objects of type RWGVector(val) are declared with macros defined in the standard C++ header file <generic.h>.
Note that it is a value-based collection: items are copied in and out of the collection.
The class val must have:
a default constructor;
well-defined copy semantics (val::val(const val&) or equiv.);
well-defined assignment semantics (val::operator=(const val&) or equivalent).
For each type of RWGVector, you must include one (and only one) call to the macro implement, somewhere in your code.
#include <rw/gvector.h>
#include <rw/rwdate.h> #include <rw/rstream.h>
declare(RWGVector, RWDate) /* Declare a vector of dates */
implement(RWGVector, RWDate) /* Implement a vector of dates */
main() {
RWGVector(RWDate) oneWeek(7); for (int i=1; i<7; i++) oneWeek(i) = oneWeek(0) + i;
for (i=0; i<7; i++)
cout << oneWeek(i) << endl;
return 0;
Program output:
04/12/93 04/13/93 04/14/93 04/15/93 04/16/93 04/17/93 04/18/93
Construct an empty vector.
RWGVector(val)(size_t n);
Construct a vector with length n. The initial values of the elements can (and probably will) be garbage.
RWGVector(val)(size_t n, val v);
Construct a vector with length n. Each element is assigned the value v.
RWGVector(val)(RWGVector(val)& s);
Copy constructor. The entire vector is copied, including all embedded values.
RWGVector(val)& operator=(RWGVector(val)& s);
Assignment operator. The entire vector is copied.
RWGVector(val)& operator=(val v);
Sets all elements of self to the value v.
val operator()(size_t i) const; val& operator()(size_t i);
Return the i'th element in the vector. The index i must be between zero and the length of the vector less one. No bounds checking is performed. The second variant can be used as an lvalue.
val operator[](size_t i) const; val& operator[](size_t i);
Return the ith element in the vector. The index i must be between zero and the length of the vector less one. Bounds checking is performed.
const val* data() const;
Returns a pointer to the raw data of self. Should be used with care.
size_t length() const;
Returns the length of the vector.
void reshape(size_t n);
Resize the vector. If the vector shrinks, it will be truncated. If the vector grows, then the value of the additional elements will be undefined.