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©Copyright 1996 Rogue Wave Software
#include <rw/gdlist.h>
declare(RWGDlist, type) RWGDlist(type) a; RWGDlistIterator(type) I(a) ;
Iterator for class RWGDlist(type), which allows sequential access to all the elements of a doubly-linked list. Elements are accessed in order, in either direction.
As with all Rogue Wave iterators, the "current item" is undefined immediately after construction -- you must define it by using operator() or some other (valid) operation.
Once the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection it is no longer valid -- continuing to use it will bring undefined results.
In order to simplify the documentation below, an imaginary typedef
typedef RWBoolean (*yourTester)(const type*, const void*);
has been used. See the documentation for class RWGDlist(type) for an explanation of this function.
See class RWGDlist(type)
RWGDlistIterator(type)( RWGDlist(type)& list);
Construct an iterator for the RWGDlist(type) list. Immediately after construction, the position of the iterator is undefined.
type* operator()();
Advances the iterator to the next item and returns it. Returns nil if at the end of the collection.
void operator++();
Advances the iterator one item.
void operator--();
Moves the iterator back one item.
void operator+=(size_t n);
Advances the iterator n items.
void operator-=(size_t n);
Moves the iterator back n items.
RWBoolean atFirst() const;
Returns TRUE if the iterator is at the start of the list, FALSE otherwise;
RWBoolean atLast() const;
Returns TRUE if the iterator is at the end of the list, FALSE otherwise;
type* findNext(yourTester t,const type* d);
Moves the iterator to the next item for which the function pointed to by t finds a match with d and returns it. Returns nil if no match is found, in which case the position of the iterator will be undefined.
type* findNextReference(const type* e);
Moves the iterator to the next item with the address e and returns it. Returns nil if no match is found, in which case the position of the iterator will be undefined.
type* insertAfterPoint(type* a);
Adds item a after the current iterator position and return the item. The position of the iterator is left unchanged.
type* key() const;
Returns the item at the current iterator position.
type* remove();
Removes and returns the item at the current cursor position. Afterwards, the iterator will be positioned at the previous item in the list.
type* removeNext(yourTester t, const type* d);
Moves the iterator to the next item for which the function pointed to by t finds a "match" with d and removes and returns it. Returns nil if no match is found, in which case the position of the iterator will be undefined.
type* removeNextReference(const type* a);
Moves the iterator to the next item with the address e and removes and returns it. Returns nil if no match is found, in which case the position of the iterator will be undefined.
void reset();
Resets the iterator to its initial state.
void toFirst();
Moves the iterator to the first item in the list.
void toLast();
Moves the iterator to the last item in the list.