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#include <rw/diskpage.h>
unsigned nbufs; unsigned pagesize; RWDiskPageHeap heap("filename", nbufs, pagesize) ;
Class RWDiskPageHeap is a specializing type of buffered page heap. It swaps its pages to disk as necessary.
In this example, 100 nodes of a linked list are created and strung together. The list is then walked, confirming that it contains 100 nodes. Each node is a single page. The "pointer" to the next node is actually the handle for the next page.
#include <rw/diskpage.h>
#include <rw/rstream.h> struct Node { int key; RWHandle next; }; RWHandle head = 0; const int N = 100; // Exercise 100 Nodes main() { // Construct a disk-based page heap with page size equal // to the size of Node and with 10 buffers: RWDiskPageHeap heap(0, 10, sizeof(Node)); // Build the linked list: for (int i=0; i<N; i++){ RWHandle h = heap.allocate(); Node* newNode = (Node*)heap.lock(h); newNode->key = i; newNode->next = head; head = h; heap.dirty(h); heap.unlock(h); } // Now walk the list: unsigned count = 0; RWHandle nodeHandle = head; while(nodeHandle){ Node* node = (Node*)heap.lock(nodeHandle); RWHandle nextHandle = node->next; heap.unlock(nodeHandle); heap.deallocate(nodeHandle); nodeHandle = nextHandle; count++; } cout << "List with " << count << " nodes walked.\n"; return 0; }
Program output:
List with 100 nodes walked.
RWDiskPageHeap(const char* filename = 0, unsigned nbufs = 10, unsigned pgsize = 512);
Constructs a new disk-based page heap. The heap will use a file with filename filename, otherwise it will negotiate with the operating system for a temporary filename. The number of buffers, each the size of the page size, will be nbufs. No more than this many pages can be locked at any one time. The size of each page is given by pgsize. To see whether a valid RWDiskPageHeap has been constructed, call member function isValid().
virtual ~RWDiskPageHeap();
Returns any resources used by the disk page heap back to the operating system. All pages should have been deallocated before the destructor is called.
virtual RWHandle allocate();
Redefined from class RWVirtualPageHeap. Allocates a page off the disk page heap and returns a handle for it. If there is no more space (for example, the disk is full) then returns zero.
virtual void deallocate(RWHandle h);
Redefined from class RWBufferedPageHeap. Deallocate the page associated with handle h. It is not an error to deallocate a zero handle.
virtual void dirty(RWHandle h);
Inherited from RWBufferedPageHeap.
RWBoolean isValid() const;
Returns TRUE if this is a valid RWDiskPageHeap.
virtual void* lock(RWHandle h);
Inherited from RWBufferedPageHeap.
virtual void unlock(RWHandle h);
Inherited from RWBufferedPageHeap.